Thank the Gods (But Not Zeus)

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"Percy!" I threw my arms around him, hugging him tight. "Thank gods."

"How'd you know I was here?" He asked quietly, pulling me inside and hugging me back as he closed the door to the apartment.

"Storm raging and Nico had no idea where you were? Lucky guess." I clung to him. "What happened?"

"I did something stupid."

I frowned and pulled away to hold him at arms' length. His eyes looked funny.

"Percy.... are you drunk?"

The son of Poseidon flashed me a crooked smile. "Only a little. Mom said you called her right before I got here."

"I was worried about you. Lets sit down." I pulled him farther into the apartment, going to the couch. He leaned against me, but not enough that I had to seriously support his weight. "What happened?"

"Dad told me that Zeus is really angry and he wants to talk to me tomorrow. I decided to... I dunno, take the edge off...." Percy leaned against me. I brushed his hair gently out of his face. "I guess he figured out that I was out on the town and tried to get rid of me."

"Gods I hate him." I muttered. "He's a huge, immortal child."

"I wouldn't say that too loudly." A woman's soft voice spoke from behind us. I craned my neck to lock gazes with a pair of soft brown eyes not too different from my own.

"Of course, Mrs. Jack-Sally. Sorry." I sighed softly. Percy made a snorting noise and I realized when I looked at him again that he had fallen asleep, head on my shoulder. I smiled softly.

"You're very intuitive, Reyna." Sally Jackson took a seat in one of the armchairs near the couch. "Not many would have known where Percy had gone on a night like tonight."

I shrugged. "I guess I just know him pretty well."

She nodded, watching me. After a minute of silence she spoke again.

"You're from that show that Percy's in, aren't you?"

I nodded, looking down at Percy. He was really out, and beginning to drool on my shirt. I didn't really mind much.

"You must be the girl he's been talking about."

"He's been talking about a girl?" I asked, surprised.

Sally nodded, smiling. "Quite a lot. He's always calling you his Queen."

I groaned. "Of course he is. Ever since Maggie told him that."

"Told him what?"

"My name means Queen in Spanish." I shrugged. "Percy seemed to find that interesting."

Sally chuckled. "He does enjoy learning name meanings. I think he likes that he can see parts of a person's personality in the meaning of their name."

We both looked at the sleeping demigod. Somehow he'd gotten his arms around my waist.

She was smiling when I looked back up at her. "I do believe that you're very good for him."

I tilted my head curiously. "How so?"

"I don't know, I can't explain it. I can just tell, you're good for him. You keep him grounded. His whole life he's been defiant, defiant and fed up with the way the gods treat their children. I think if he hadn't met you, he'd probably be dead by now, by some vengeful immortal's hand."

"You think I stopped that?" I must have looked surprised, because Sally laughed.

"Yes. I've noticed it more and more recently, how much his attitude has changed. He's not as angry and aggressive all the time. He seems... happy. Much happier than he used to be."

I looked down at Percy again and gently pushed his hair back from his face. He nuzzled closer in his sleep. "I... I'm glad that I'm having a positive impact. Do you know what Zeus wanted to talk to him about."

Sally's smile turned into a scowl. "I believe Zeus is going to try to kill him. He's tried before, and calling Percy up to Olympus is not going to be anything good."

I frowned. "That's not happening. Not if I can help it."

Sally sighed. "I've said that too. Sometimes it's just not possible to stop what happens in his life. It's part of being a demigod, I guess."

She stood and began to walk away, then turned around. "Feel free to stay the night."

I nodded and looked down at Percy again. "Thank you.... I don't think I'm going to be moving any time soon."

Sally chuckled. "Goodnight, Reyna."

"Goodnight, Sally."

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