Sweet and Sour

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After dinner, which was very delicious and very entertaining given our server, Percy paid and led me out to the car again.

"So are we going back?" I asked him.

"Do you want to?" He frowned. "You're not having fun, are you?"

"No, I'm having fun!" I promised. "I just figured after this we'd go back. I didn't know you had anything else planned."

"Are you sure you're having fun?"

"Of course." I grabbed his hand. "Percy, this has been great so far. What's next?"

"You'll have to wait and see." He grinned at me.

"Oh you're playing that game again." I let go of his hand and crossed my arms.

"Of course. It's fun." He grinned and opened the car door for me.

"For you."

"Aw come on. I bet you enjoy it too."

I shrugged as he got in the other side and fired up the engine. "I was never one for surprises."

"Alright, I'll tell you then." He chuckled. "There's a little candy store a ways from here. My mom used to work there and everyone still knows me there."

"So you're trying to sweet talk me." I teased.

He raised an eyebrow. "Was that intended to be a joke?"

"Oh of course not." I replied sarcastically. "Why would I ever make any jokes ever?"

Percy snorted, a failed attempt at holding in a laugh. "You sound so serious."

"Oh I am." I suppressed a laugh as well.

"No you aren't. I can see it in your eyes." He pulled the car to the curb. "You ready?"

"Sure." I shrugged and opened the car door. Percy rounded the car to get out of the street and offered me his arm.

"Look at you, proper gentleman." I rolled my eyes.

"But you seem to be enjoying it."

"It's not any day you meet a proper gentleman." I told him, finally slipping my hand into the crook of his arm. "Lead the way."

Percy pushed the door open and I breathed in the sweet smelling air.

"Percy!" The lady behind the counter bustled out and I slipped my hand away from him as she engulfed him in a hug. "Oh I haven't seen you in so long! How are you?"

"I'm fantastic Maggie, how are you?" Percy laughed.

"Oh I'm fine, same as usual. The kids miss you coming over." Maggie said. "They always ask me, 'When is Percy coming over?' I haven't had the heart to tell them it might be a while so I've been telling them I don't know."

Percy shook his head and chuckled. "Tell them I'll come over next weekend. I'm sure I can get off."

"Percy?" Someone called from the back. A girl with dark hair stuck her head out of a doorway. "It is you!" She exclaimed.

"Hi Sarah." Percy smiled at her.

"Sarah, don't let those candies harden without finishing them." Maggie warned.

"Sorry! Percy, you should come help me!" Sarah said.

"He's on a date, Sarah, really." Maggie turned to face the younger girl. "Go finish the candies."

Sarah rolled her eyes and disappeared.

"And who is this lovely girl you've brought with you?" Maggie turned back to Percy and I and gestured towards me.

"This is Reyna."

I offered my hand. "Hi."

"Reyna? What a lovely name. You know what it means?"

I nodded. "I've never put much stock into that."

"What does it mean?" Percy asked curiously.

"It means Queen." Maggie smiled at me. "And you look like one too, honey. Your face, your hair, you're basically royal on your own."

I shrugged. "It's not like I can choose any of that."

"You can live up to it though." Maggie winked at me, then turned to Percy and pointed at his face sternly. "You take good care of her, Jackson."

He laughed. "Don't worry. I will. Reyna, do you want anything?"

I started to say no, but Maggie cut me off. "Go in the back and tell Sarah to get one of the special baskets. It's on the house."

"Oh you don't have to do that, Mag-"

"Percy, I'm not offering. I'm telling. Go get the basket."

He rolled his eyes goodnaturedly and walked off. Maggie kept me back by grabbing my arm lightly.

"How is he? His uncle isn't causing trouble, is he?"

I frowned. "How do you-"

"I'm clear sighted. Percy's father got HephaestusTV running on Percy's mother's television and we've been watching the show. Sally near about had a heart attack when Percy came on camera for the first time." Maggie's eyes shone with worry. "Is Percy okay?"

"Jupiter hasn't made any moves yet." I said slowly. "Percy's taking it rather well. He's a natural on stage."

"Yes, he is. We're so proud of him." Maggie smiled. "I told him to take care of you. I'm asking you to do the same."

I nodded. "I will."

Percy came back out with a large basket, Sarah on his arm and chattering away happily. She kept batting her eyelashes at him and I felt an annoyed feeling in my chest.

"Percy, you ready to go?" I asked.

"Yeah. Thank you Maggie. I'll see you next weekend." Percy promised. Sarah glared at me behind his back.

We went out to the car and he put the basket in the backseat.

"Did anyone tell you what happened while you were out?" Percy asked.


"Malcolm got voted off and Lee left. His mom found out she has leukemia."

I frowned. "That's horrible."


[A/N date-y date]

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