Chapter 12 -- Confessions.

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so when i had chapter 10 updated on here i wrote chapter 11 then i forgot to update it and then i finished chapter 12 so i was a few chapters ahead of you guys and i needed that to stop! i get very confused when that happens (thats why i stopped writing my old book TAATD) so to make it stop i updated chapter 11 and now i am updating chapter 12. i was going to wait to update this chapter because it isnt edited but i couldnt contact my editor (im not very good at waiting) so i decided that it would be okay if this chapter isnt edited because i think i did okay on it. 

ps. i love the ending and i hope you guys love it as much as i do ;)

okay enough about my boring talk (that most likely nobody reads anyways) here is chapter 12!


Styles saved me

Chapter 12

Nialls POV

I walked with Kim to my car to go get Alyssa a gift. She gave me the directions to he nearest jewelry store. When we got out of the car a girl spotted us. She started to take out something. Then I realized she was holding a phone to take a picture. Panic was evident I my eyes.

"Put your head down, I will walk you to the store." I whispered in her ear. She nodded and I covered her from view.

I managed to get Kim and I into the store quickly without anyone noticing.

The store was large and the walls were a tan/brown color, a old man stood at a glass counter. The glass case was filled with beautiful necklaces, bracelets, and earrings. They sparkled beautifully when the jewels caught the light.

"hello, I'm here to pick up my order." Kim smiled at the old wrinkly man.

"okay, what's your name?" the man behind the counter quetioned.

"Kim, Kim Rose" she answered him. The man walked into room in the back to get Kim's order.

When the man came back he had a bag. I am guessing that inside was the jewelry she bought. Kim pulled out the jewelry and she looked at it then she showed it to me. The first piece was a necklace that had a shiny locket. The clasp on the locket was in the shape of a heart. Inside Kim carefully put a photo of Alyssa and her at our book signing the day of the accident. They both had their tongues out at the camera and by the looks of it they were holding back from laughing.

The second photo on the opposite side was them at a concert. They looked so happy in the photo. Kim had her arm around Alyssa while Alyssa winked playfully at the camera.

Kim handed me two necklaces both in the shape of cat with real diamonds outlining it delicately. Kim put one around her neck, then slipped the other, delicately in a bag.

As we drove home Kim turned on the radio and I heard the familiar beat of What Makes You Beautiful, Kim squealed and looked at me. I smiled and  we sang (a little to loudly) to the song with the windows down. We didn't care if we were too loud, we were enjoying the moment.

We passed a car with some fans who screamed and rolled down their windows "what channel is that on?" one girl asked us both.

"95.5" Kim answered.

"are you two dating?" the girl in the front asked me.

"n-" I was cut off by Kim who answered instead.

"we are, but please, keep it a secret from the media" she put her finger to her mouth, a smile tugging at her lips.

We drove next to the other car and sang along loudly to our song. We were enjoying ourselves until they had to turn. "bye Niall!" they all yelled in unison.

Styles Saved MeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang