Chapter 10 -- Nandos is Closed!?!

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Wow I can't stay mad at you guys 

So I'm just in a happy mood so I shall reward you with chapter 10!! :D 

Wow I'm shocked that I got this far in the story!  


Styles saved me

Chapter 10

Niall's POV  

Louis came out of Harrys room and asked, "who wants Nandos?"

I answered quickly, "yes yes yes!" I turned to Zayn and Liam who nodded.

'yay we are getting Nandos!!!!!' I thought to myself as I jumped in joy.

Glanced at Kim who was staring at me. when she realized that I was looking at her she turned away quickly, blushing. I couldn't help but look at her for a moment longer she was just so beautiful...

---------at nandos-----------

When we arrived there was black paper on the windows and on the door there was a sign that read, 'we are closed due to electrical problems' 

This can't be! Anything but Nandos!

"NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!" I fell to my knees.

"How bout pizza?" Kim suggested.

"Yay!" I agreed as a huge smile crept on my lips. Kim just laughed at me and rolled her eyes.

Zayn's POV

I looked at Niall who was screaming because nandos was closed when Kim suggested pizza. Niall instantly became happy again. He smiled at her and she laughed at him and rolled her eyes.

We all knew Niall liked Kim but he hasn't told any of us yet, I'm beginning to think Kim likes him back.

Kim showed us an amazing (amazayn) pizza place called Pizza Aroma.

We bought a whole pepperoni pizza and snapples for each of us. When we sat down Niall made sure to be next to Kim. 'They would make such a cute couple.' I smiled to myself.

Alyssa's POV  

I was sitting In one of the chairs by Harrys bed waiting for him to get up when my friends Sam, Katherine, and Abby walked in with balloons.

"Hi Alyssa we came to give these to Harry, where is Kim? And the rest of the boys?" Katherine asked me, looking around the room for them.

"They went to get food" I whispered to be sure Harry would wake up from all the talking. It didn't work. His eyes fluttered open and he smiled at me. His eyes settled on the three and he sent me a questioning glance, "who are they?"

"This is Katherine, Sam, and Abby" I said as I pointed all them out.

Harry's POV

"This is Katherine, sam, and Abby" Alyssa said as she pointed to them.

Katherine had blond hair and was wearing a Justin bieber shirt, she looked older than the others.

Sam was also blond with glasses and had on a black shirt that said 'sleeping with sirens' in big white letters. She also had black ripped jeans.

Abby had brown hair and tan skin. She was wearing a plain white shirt and skinny jeans. I waved to them and they all smiled.

They dropped off the balloons and left saying that they wanted to get Kim. Just as they left, I got a text from Kim that read:

Kim: Hey Harry, we are at pizza aroma and Louis misses you!! He also called me his wifey :D

Harry: cool. tell him not to miss me. So what are you guys up to?

Kim: we are dancing with potatoes. No just kidding, were eating pizza :P

Harry: lol I can picture Louis dancing with potatoes :)

Kim: lol me too. Gtg see u soon :)

Harry: bye

Louis' POV

Niall finished his pizza first and he complained because he wanted more.

"Aww it's okay Niall you can have my last slice if you want it?" Kim offered her slice to him

"Omg yes I love you!!" he exclaimed as he took the slice quickly.

"Aww I want your last piece" I pouted.

"Well maybe Niall can sha-" Kim began to say when Niall cut her off.

"My pizza!!" he started biting into it and smiled happily. He seems to like that pizza, that could have been mine...

"Thanks Kim" he finally thanked her.

"No problem Niall" she smiled at him.

"So he gets pizza AND my wifey!!" I pretended to be offended.

"it's okay Louis your still a sexy piece of man flesh" she said jokingly.

"Yay Thank you wifey!!" a big smile crept upon my lips. After that things were back to normal and Kim pulled out her phone a few times to text someone.

I pulled Niall aside and asked,"Niall, you like Kim right?"

He smiled and replied naturally "Yah she's cool. Why?"

Really? He doesnt even know what I'm getting at. I paused thinking of a way to explain it better "yah but do you really like her? Like more than friends?"

He froze and slowly the blood rose to his cheeks "how...but how did...cupa-de-uh, How...I didn't tell anyone..." he stuttered

"I can see the way you look at her." I nudged him playfully. 

"Oh" he blushed even more (if that was even possible) and continued, "Just don't tell anyone...please!".

"don't worry bud, I got your back." I gestured for us to sit back down.


Harry got his head scan and everything was okay. The boys, Kim, Alyssa and I all were ecstatic to hear Harry would be out of the hospital tomorrow along with Alyssa.

As we were leaving Kim took Liam, Zayn, Niall, and I aside and shared her idea, "Guys let's throw them a welcome home party. Louis you can drive them to the party, Liam and Zayn you can be in charge of buying food, drinks, and decorations and Niall and I will work on setting up and the guest list." I smiled at Kims brilliant idea

"Sounds like a plan" I agreed.

---the next day--

Kims POV

It was around 10:30 when the boys arrived at my house and began to set up for the party.

Liam and Zayn were setting up food and drinks while Louis put up a big sign that said 'welcome home!' in big graffiti style lettering.

Niall and I were hanging up a sign that said 'dance party!!' in the doorway to my living room which we took all the furniture out of and put a stereo in.

I walked up the ladder and Niall handed me the sign. I streched up to tape the sign to the wall but as clumsy as I am, I slipped and began to fall off the ladder. I let out a squeal as I closed my eyes tight and waited for impact. A few second passed and I got confused. How am I not hitting the ground?! I opened my eyes to see that I was in Naill's arms. He caught me.

My heart was racing from the fear and adrenalin "wow that was close" I uttered out.

"yah" he nervously laughed.

Then I realized that Niall was still holding me bridal style and The blood rushed to my cheeks. I looked up at Niall who also had realized the situation and was also blushing.

We both looked in each others eyes and he leaned in, my heart was beating a million times faster as our lips were inches away from each other. I could feel his breath on me and it sent shivers down my spine. My lips were about to mold onto his when suddenly...


Don't hate me!

Styles Saved MeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon