Chapter 25

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~Park Jiyeon~

Wonwoo has come back from talking to my mother. I still wonder what they spoke about? Wonwoo has a very interesting face it's a mixture of confusion, calm and worry. It made me worry, I held his hand. Wonwoo looks at me and gives me a small smile, I sigh.


After we finished eating we head back to my mom's room, Wonwoo kept his hand locked into mine. My father and brother stood in front of us, I hope mom will be okay.

All of a sudden the speakers turn on and someone speaks, "All doctors and nurses to room C-523, immediately!"They say. C-523 that's my moms room, Before I could even do something my dad runs off which lead to me, Wonwoo and Jimin running.

I got to my moms room, but before I could go in my dad blocks the door. "DAD STOP! LET ME THROUGH!"I yell, but he keeps the door blocked. "Sweetie please"He says and I shake my head, "LET ME SEE MOM! SHE CANT BE GONE!"I yell.

I feel Wonwoo pick me up and pull me away, "Wonwoo let go!"I say and Wonwoo pulls me to the seats across my moms room. He sits me on his lap and hugs me, I cry in his shoulder. "W-Wonwoo she isn't gone, my mom is strong"I say.

Wonwoo just holds me letting me cry away my pain, Jimin sits next to Wonwoo and comforts me. "Please don't cry Jiyeon"Wonwoo says and I still cry, How can she gone?

After a few minutes the doctors and dad come out, I have stopped crying by now. I looked at dad and I can see he looks stressed, The doctor places his hand on my dad's shoulder then leaves.

After a few seconds dad looks at us and sighs. "Dad please tell me nothing is wrong"I say standing up, Wonwoo holds my hand. My dad looks down before answering me, "She's gone sweetie"Dad says. I was about to fall to the floor, but Wonwoo caught me making both of us sit on the floor.

No tears escaped my eyes at all, I just sat there in shock. Jimin came over to me and hugged me and later after my father taking us all in with a hug. It lasted a few seconds before they let me go, "do you want to see her?"Jimin asked and I nod.

We all get up and go into the room, I see my moms lifeless body laying there. I go up to her and hold her hand, it's cold as ice now. A tear falls from my eye and I sigh, "Why mom"I say looking down.

We all stood there, no one said a word. "I'll plan everything starting tomorrow, you two just keep up the work"Dad says and we both nod. "Also your mother wanted to give you these for your birthday"Dad says handing me and Jimin gifts.

I open mine and see a necklace with the number 17 on it, When I turned seventeen I became an idol. I debut with my group and now are becoming big. Tears fall from my eyes as I feel Wonwoo hug me from behind. One of my biggest fans was my mom...


We were back at practice, I made one promise to my mom and that was to work hard no matter the condition I'm in. The boys told me I should take a break, but I didn't listen. I kept practicing and started writing lyrics for our next title track.

The seventeen necklace hung around my neck as I practiced or wrote lyrics. It never left my neck and I planned on leaving it that way. Soon enough it became 2 am, "Okay everyone let's head back to the dorms"Seungcheol told us. I had planned to stay and practice.

As the boys started packing up Dino noticed me, "Noona why aren't you packing up?"Dino asked me. I look up from my lyric journal, "Oh I was going to stay and practice a little more"I say placing my book down. "Noona but you've been through a lot today, shouldn't you get rest?"Jeonghan asked and I shake my head.

"I'll be fine, don't worry"I say getting the music ready. As I was doing so I hear bags being dropped and footsteps walking around, I look back and see all the boys in their positions. "Wha-"Soonyoung stops me, "It won't feel tight to leave you alone, if you're going to practice might as well be with all of us"He says.

I smile at the boys and nod hitting play and going to my position and soon the song begins.

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