Last Minute Tension

Start from the beginning

“Work from tests, I’m afraid I wont have a quiet summer,” he moaned and packed some up neatly. “You need to pack your things.”

“I was just about to” she said quietly. Without warning she bolted upstairs and left Snape in the dim light. He knew how she felt.

It didn’t take long for Lucy to pack her things, but she felt a strong lump in her throat as a picture of Cedric from the Daily Prophet snuck itself between her tops. She placed it in the top compartment and made sure it didn’t get lost at any point in the journey. She also placed all her potions books on it as well, just to be safe and as well as that she hid the knife, if Snape found out about that he’d go mental. Lucy double checked her room and made sure her wand was in her pocket, then set off.

Lucy dragged her suitcase down the stairs; the jolts echoing down the small stone staircase, immediately opening up to the ‘living’ room.  Snape had tried to tidy his workplace, but alas still jars of eyes and one headed squirrels floated around. Lucy wished he’d stop putting his work on his desk, the contents usually scaring her off to her bedroom or the kitchen.

Snape was still packing, Lucy had never seen him unfinished in any job he did, as Snape was very thorough. He never left any dust unturned, and the fact that he was only putting his papers away. His bags were by the door, the knight costume in the room sparkling in the light sun raise making its way through a crack in the window pain.

“Dad,” Lucy asked, he stopped instantly.

“Yes?” He asked curiously.

“Are you ok?”

“I’m fine, Lucy, a little rushed” he muttered as he sped off. Lucy pulled a face as he came back out again, locking all the rooms.

“Are you sure?”


“Really truly super-dooley sure?”

“Lucy” he said as though he was about to tell her something important. Lucy waited for a reply. “Speak English.”

She groaned as Snape picked up his Daily Prophet and handed it to her. Snape flicked his wand and the curtains fell downwards, blocking out the warmth and happiness. The dim light lead them to the door, and Snape swung it open quickly. He picked up his bags and let Lucy out, checked the room once more, and slammed the door shut.

As he locked the door, Lucy listened to the daze of the echo reaching down and out the dungeons. The children’s laughter was chocked out down here, and Lucy wondered for a second why her father even liked it down here. Snape sped past her quickly and Lucy had to jog to keep up with him, both wore blank expressions.

As they made their way through part of the woods, they caught up with a mumbling crowd of children, Lucy hadn’t bothered to change, and so she stuck out like a sore thumb. There were some kids hanging around in their t-shirts and sunglasses, ready for the heat blast predicted by the muggle weathermen.

“Oi,” one of the boys muttered to another. “It’s that Snape girl”

The other one looked up in annoyance. “Eh?”

“You know, the one that saw ‘him”

“No way! It is! Heard she’s a pathetic little pig…”

“And I’ve heard you still let your mum dress you every morning,” Shona poked her head out between them, surprising them. They rolled their eyes a she walked off before shouting to one. “Send my love to your mummy! Does she know you kissed Kasey Danderdail on the lips?”

At once the kids around them all giggled and screamed, the other boy nudging him and making him turn red. Lucy turned and giggled to herself.

“What was that about, Shona?”

Lucy Snape and the Return of Lord Zuc (Book Four)Where stories live. Discover now