The Quidditch world cup

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Chapter seven: The Quidditch world cup 

"IRELAND! IRELAND! IRELAND!" Shona screamed as she, Snape and Lucy walked out of the tent. It was time to go to the stadium and take their seats. But first they had to meet up with the Weasley's. 

"Calm yourself you nutcase!" Lucy laughed as she pulled out her purse and quickly bought three pairs of omnioculars and a few other souvenirs. 

Before Lucy and Shona had left the tent; Shona had painted half of her face green and the other half white where as Lucy had drawn Irelands flag on one cheek and Bulgaria's flag on the other. In addition to that she had attempted to make one side of her hair green and the other red but she didn't forget that necklace Snape had given her. 

"Hey! I prefer crazed naturalist!" Shona scowled 

"Whatever floats your boat" 

"Hurry up the pair of you" Snape groaned as he steered both girls in the direction of the quidditch stadium where Lucy immediately saw Fred and his family. Both parties merged together and went to find their seats. They sat down together but then disaster struck - 

"What are you wearing Snape!? You look pathetic!" Draco cackled as he looked at Lucy, unfortunately for Lucy, Draco was sitting just behind her. 

"Shove off, Malfoy..." Lucy muttered as her hair turned a white blond.  

"Oi! Draco! Take the mask off! It's not halloween! Oh, I'm sorry! Is that your face?" Shona roared with laughter 

"You want to watch what you say, Miss McGuire" a taller figure sneered as he sat down next to Draco. Shona's eyes widened as she realised this was Draco's father; Lucius Malfoy.

"I'm sure she will" Snape said simply 

"Oh, Severus, have you adopted another one? I don't think it's healthy to adopt one as it is, I mean look at the first one...A mud-blood mixing with blood traitors" 


"FRED!" Arthur snapped 

"Yes, Mr Weasley better watch what he says. He could get himself into big trouble" 


"Fred...Leave it" Lucy snapped and an awkward silence fell over both groups but it was interrupted by the crowd cheering as the game was about to begin. Lucy quickly stood in between Fred and George (as everyone was standing up now) 

"So who are you looking forward to seeing?" Fred yelled in Lucy's ear over the roar of the crowd 

"Viktor Krum!" Lucy yelled back just as the man himself zoomed onto the pitch after his team. Ireland had already come on the pitch (Lucy should of known due to the fact Shona was yelling at them in excitement) 

Snape wasn't enjoying this experience at all. He would much rather be sitting in his favourite armchair reading the daily prophet. But ever since he found Lucy he'd had to make sacrifices, even giving up his prophet for a day (gasp!) 

A few minutes later the Minister of magic gave the whole crowd a short speech before the game started. And before long all the players looked like green and red blurs darting around the pitch and Lucy and Shona found those omnioculars very useful to catch the things they missed. 

But before long the game ended. Ireland won even though Krum caught the snitch because Ireland had more point anyway so therefore it gave Ireland something to celebrate but Bulgaria to go and sulk as well as have a go at Krum... 

Lucy Snape and the Return of Lord Zuc (Book Four)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن