The Hidden room

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Chapter fifteen: The Hidden room

The next day at 5:30 pm Fred and George Weasley walked down to the dungeons. They knew Snape was on patrol and Lucy and Shona were in the dungeons, as usual. They had something very important to show the two. 

"You knock on the door!" George whispered at his twin

"You do it!" Fred whispered back 

"It's your girlfriend!" 


Fred hammered on the door (which he didn't mean to do) and the door opened revealing Lucy, Shona just behind. They both looked on guard but when they saw the red-heads they immediately dropped their wands in which they had been holding.

"Oh come on! I was expecting something like zombies or an overgrown bat!" Shona whined 

"Please don't tell me you're refering to my dad, Shona" Lucy sighed 

"Oh I'm refering to him alright!" 

"Never mind...So, what's up guys? Is there some sort of party in the common room?" 

"Are we invited?!" Shona added 

"No, there's no party. But we've got something to show you two" Fred beamed, he was just about to take Lucy's hand but she pulled it back. 

"Where are you taking us?" She whispered 

"To their leader so you can become a ginger!" Shona whispered dramatically

"No, we're taking you to a secret location in the castle. Nobody but us knows about it. And we're taking you there because we trust you." George said 

"What's in there exactly?" 

"A lot of secret stuff which you'll find out about when we get there." 

"And if you two don't hurry up we'll go without you!" Fred laughed, he grabbed Lucy's hand and dragged her out of the dungeons despite her complaining. 

George and Shona followed along behind and Lucy tried to detach her hand from Fred's but he wouldn't let her. And as he was stronger there was no hope for her. They travelled up staircases, down hallways and up a lot more staircases until they reached a tower. 

"I've never noticed this tower before..." Lucy muttered 

"Of course you haven't! You've got to know where it is to find it" Fred grinned, "now, should we head up and take a look?" 

"I suppose?" Lucy and Shona said at the same time. 

They continued their little journey up the, what felt like, never ending spiral staircase. When they arrived at the top they came face to face with a wooden door. Fred simply pushed it open and the four of them walked inside. Lucy and Shona were amazed with what they saw. 

"My god..." Shona gasped stepping forward

"Woah..." Lucy agreed, finally letting go of Fred's hand. 

She was almost immediately drawn to a mirror, a full length mirror to be precise. She looked at herself in it and sorted out a lock of her hair and started changing the colour of her hair. She started to think that this mirror couldn't do anything, that was until her dad appeared behind her, he was smiling at her, and he put a hand on her shoulder. 

Lucy whipped around, ready to say something, but her dad wasn't there. She turned back and he was still there in the mirror. She put her hand on the mirror as though reaching out to what she could see. She knew immediately what this meant, this was her dream. For her and Snape to be related. 

Lucy Snape and the Return of Lord Zuc (Book Four)Where stories live. Discover now