Lord Zuc

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~[Authors note: Hello all! And here is book four of the Lucy Snape series Released on the 9th of January! None other than Snape's birthday! ENJOY!]~

Chapter one: Lord Zuc

In the wizarding world, there are many stories to be told. There are ones consisting of dragons being slayed by evil knights, there are tales of trolls and goblins and their daring scheme to overthrow Gringotts (although many argue that this story was based upon fiction). But there are some, however, that consist of dark and dangerous times, of death and destruction, a story no child should heed to their ears.

If you would like an example, I suggest you talk to anyone wandering in diagon alley. For if you were to say the words 'The tale of Merlin and Lord Vaseal' you would retain no answer. From the moment these words leave your lips, no other man would welcome you. If you were unfortunate enough to be in a bar, you would find yourselves outside in the pouring rain, with your underwear in a very obscure manner.

There are, of course, shall we say 'lighter' tales of the story, that will make the story seem unreal, and that there is no need for any wizard to worry about being killed by bloodthirsty knights. These can be found in the local library. If you want the true story, then you'll have to find it somewhere else.

Somewhere like Povington pub.

If you where brave enough of course, or outrageously foolish. A man that vacated room 13 on the top floor, looking on the crowded market below him. This man sat on his diseased bed all day, just looking out and above, hoping to see only one thing crawl along the street. He'd kill you on the spot if you entered, of course, so no one ever bothered with the housekeeping. You might feel sorrow for this man.


And one day, the thing he expected to see came into view. Normal men wearing caped hoods made their way down to the pub below his feet. As they entered, the sound of laughter below stopped instantly. There were shouts and screams as the drinkers were each individually slaughtered. The man smiled and waited until he heard heavy footsteps make their way to his door.

The door opened easily without any force, causing it to propel into the room, the hinges damaged. The five men walked in slowly and watched the figure continually gaze out the hole in the wall. Two of the guards looked between them as they realised there was no door to push aside.

"My Lord" Kingston said in a low voice, bending down to one knee. The others copied instantly. The man with the sweaty t-shirt turned.

"Well" was all that he said. Kingston shuffled insecurely. "You did get the orb, didn't you?"

"My Lord, you know I am a follower of you, and I bow to your every command! But please, do not think wrong of me - "

At these words the man did the very opposite. He glared at him. Ryan stood next to him, and did the very thing you shouldn't say to Lord Zuc the mighty

"We didn't get the orb, my mighty" he said quickly. At these words Zuc turned to the table behind him and picked up a knife he'd used recently for butter. He threw it with great force into Ryan's arm. The twenty year old did not act though; the pain had taken his voice.

The guards around him mumbled and moved slightly as the well-muscled man approached Joshua Kingston. Zuc striked his hand to Kingston's throat, his strong hands gripping the vampires throat. Kingston had shock on his face as he slowly perished ever closer to death.

"Please no!  J...Betrayed us!...She - didn't kill him!...we - " Joshua struggled for breath as he tried to talk himself out, as Ryan slowly whimpered at the knife stuck in his arm.  Zuc lifted Kingston a couple of centimetres of the ground, making the vampire make a slight noise of shock.

"Tell me why you failed to posses the orb, Joshua" Zuc said in a calm voice

"JESSICA STONE!" he said, louder than before. At once Zuc let him fall to the ground. He did a face of pure shock tough, while Kingston stayed on the ground, raiding in oxygen.

"Is there anyone else to blame?"

Kingston only looked to Ryan slightly, who pleaded his not to utter a word. They were in this together, they had each said; take the blame together. But alas, vampires do not work like that, even if they are both in the same boat.

"Him" Joshua growled and pointed a shaking finger towards his friend. Ryan had no time to argue as one look from Zuc to his guards sealed his fate. The other guards killed him instantly. Kingston felt a little patter of blood hit him as he slowly got up, avoiding to look at his lost friend.

"A wise choice of you, Josh" Zuc smiled and sat back down, as though nothing had happened at all.

Kingston was slightly confused, but made no attempt to restart conversation. Instead he smiled weakly and felt his neck, bruises already showing from the strong mans grip. "Go down stairs and fill yourselves with beer, you will not be on duty tonight" he said to the other guards. They just looked at each other before bowing once more and exiting rather hastily.

Zuc laughed "you really think i'd kill my most loyal fighter? I do not like to waste blood"

Joshua smiled at his leader; Kingston was no threat to Zuc. Kingston was one of Zuc's most loyal and powerful fighter, as well as a trusted guard. Zuc went to pick up some stolen bread as the sounds of cheering drunk guards emitted from below.

"Jessica Stone betrayed us, Zuc. She stood in our path and foiled our plan" he said weakly

"forget her know, I shall have a death sentence put upon her head before tomorrow," Zuc smiled again "I was planning to retrieve the orb before it started to wake, but nevertheless..."

Zuc studied his armour buried in shadow in the corner as Kingston became to recall what had happened.

"Jessica stood in our way of getting the orb by refusing to kill Severus Snape. Ryan...He lost the orb in mid battle with the McGuire girl"

Zuc face stayed blank, "I am not afraid of them."

"They are stronger than they seem" he said in a growling voice

"That is a word I thought would never come out of your mouth!" Zuc admitted, making the vampire a little less restless, "but no, it is not because they are girls, it is because they have not once threatened my defences. As long as they do not know how to work the orb, they cannot hurt us"

"And Severus Snape. I dare say, he is a very...skilled...fighter," the words were ripped from the man's mouth, "he...Is very protective of one of the girls, his daughter - "

"Do not worry, Joshua" Zuc said calmly, "no wizard is a threat to us"

"Pointy hats" Kingston mumbled. Zuc made a grumbling laugh, full of power and doom. He took a bite out of the bread and walked over to his vampire friend, all six foot nine of him. His muscles had dense shadows and he walked with the upmost of elegance.

"Between you and me, friend. I simply can not wait any longer up here. We must rise soon, I believe there are many people in this city who will be easily persuaded to fight for us..."

"There are many thieves we passed, they could prove useful" Kingston gleamed

"I do not want anyone from the streets" Zuc snarled. Joshua frowned, making crease marks in his forehead.

"But these people are not knights," Kingston added, "The curse that surrounds you and the islands does not affect the robbers I know"

"What are they then?" Zuc asked. Kingston laughed as he said the words

"Assassins" he said.

Zuc seemed to ponder the words in his head as he once more looked at his armour.

"Later, when I return from hiding. But now, we feast" Zuc said calmly. Kingston smiled as the sound of a raided bar clinked below, louder and merrier than before.

The two left for the bar, the lazy street in front not even noticing the dead bodies lying on the floor. Kingston raised a glass and others cheered


Lucy then awoke from her strange dream...

Lucy Snape and the Return of Lord Zuc (Book Four)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang