Lucy Eileen Snape

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Chapter 35: Lucy Eileen Snape 

At midnight that night, Lucy felt that as she had now inherited a new personality she thought she could be a little rebellious to add to it. So, after Snape had gone to bed she crept out of her room (still wearing her school clothes) and headed down to the secret room that Fred and George had found. She wanted to go there to visit the mirror of erised, for she needed to know what she really desired. For her desire to be related to Snape was now non-existant as it had come true. 

She crept through the corridors of Hogwarts with no invisibility cloak nor a certain marauders map for Kingston had stolen the map from her last year, goodness knows what he needed it for... 

When she arrived at the stairs that led up to the room, she looked around then took a deep breath then began walking up the stairs carefully and one step at a time rather than when she got impatient with her short height and at how tall Shona was she walked up two steps at a time. 

She pushed open the door to the room then breathed a sigh of relief, closed the door and slumped down in front of it. Trying not to be caught was exhausting especially when you think you're hearing Flich's footsteps or the purr of Mrs Norris. 

Lucy stood up again and approached the mirror of erised which was still standing there as though the most dominant in the room, it was one of the first things that Lucy noticed in this room when she first saw it. 

She closed her eyes and thought desperately about what the mirror was going to show her, was it for Anastasia to stay with her longer? Was it for Snape to come up for a middle name for her and find her birth certificate? Was it finishing the third task? But when Lucy opened her eyes she realised it was none of those. 

It was defeating Lord Zuc. 

Up until now this thought had been at the back of her mind when really it should be pestering her all the time. But the visions she had had and the pressure of the upcoming tasks had drowned the most important thing like saving the wizarding world as well as the muggle world. 

Lucy walked closer to the mirror and placed her hand on it, there she saw herself with Merlin's sword slicing Zuc into two which made her laugh as it seemed to be something out of a comic book, it was barbaric and completely unreal. 

"Oh, Zuc, if only you could see what I see in the mirror of erised right now," Lucy whispered to herself as though hoping her words would reach him and anger him into proceeding into his plan of killing a girl of fourteen. "You'd hate me even more wouldn't you? You'd find a way to enter the wizarding world and come and rip my head off..." 

"Wouldn't I just," the deep voice of Zuc replied. "Don't try and talk to yourself, my dear, and think I can't hear it because I can. The more you're on your own the easier it is for me to talk to you." 

"And what's this? A late night chat? Be my guest, you don't scare me." 

"Oh I do, Lucy, I do. I can see what you fear and I see what you're trying to do. Make out that you're the new heroine that will save the wizarding world from me. Please don't be foolish, for I am much more powerful than you." 

"Pride before a fall, my dear friend, pride before a fall..." 

After Lucy's final comment Zuc did not seem to want to talk to her any longer which satisfied her, she liked to have the final word but she knew that Zuc would get his own back soon. But when he did she would be prepared... 

*     *     * 

"Good morning, Lucy," Snape said when Lucy arrived back from the secret room. "Don't think your absence went unnoticed." 

Lucy Snape and the Return of Lord Zuc (Book Four)Where stories live. Discover now