Chapter Eighteen (18):

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"I don't want this kind of stupid act will affect your studies. I hope this things will help you to study more harder." Yuna said.

"What if I fail? I didn't get high scores in our quizes, exams, so on. What will you do then?" Jungkook asked.

Yuna smiled. "Then face your ex-girlfriend, talk to her and tell her that you just only want her to feel jealous towards me."

"If I did that?"

"Then, we will both forget this stupid acting."

Jungkook stayed quiet. He doesn't know why he doesn't want to stop this, he doesn't know why he was enjoying this acting even though they only starting. He took a glance at the girl beside him, she was looking at the blue clear sky while feeling the warm breeze of the air that touched her silky skin.

"Why are you wearing specs?" Jungkook suddenly asked.

Yuna looked at him. "This?" she fixed her eyeglasses. "If I remove this, then I blurry see everything. Even you, I can't see you clearly if I remove my specs."

Jungkook nodded.

"Why did you suddenly ask?"

"Huh? Ah, oh! I just found that you look more beautiful without specs." he honestly told her.

*Hiccups* Yuna patted her chest, as she keeps hiccuping again. Jungkook chuckle seeing her like that. She looks away to avoid his gaze.

"Let's go down, we will buy water for you." Jungkook said.

He stood up from his seat, but Yuna hold his wrist stopping her. She was still hiccuping, but she still want to tell him something.

"Why?" he asked. He sat back again.

"I need *hiccups* to tell *hiccups* you something." Yuna said.

"What is it?"

Yuna patted her chest again, helping her self to calm down. As she feels a little okay, and she was assure that her hiccups left, she started her words.

"Since we are now starting about the acting. Please, if your ex girlfriend wasn't around, can you stop being too flirt towards me? I don't want some PDA." Yuna told him.

(PDA - Public Display of Affection)

"No holding hands?" he asked.



"Why? We only do this for your ex girlfriend, it wasn't real at all." Yuna said.

"What if she was there?"

"Okay, we only do that if she was around. And if not, then please, stay away from me…" she said.

"Do you really hate me?" he asked.

"I am just taking care of myself from your obsess fangirls in this school." Yuna said.

"I can protect you."

"No, PDA!" Yuna emphasize.

"Okay, fine!" Jungkook give up.

"Good. Let's go now."

Dating A Nerd [COMPLETED]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें