Chapter 14 - Flirting?

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Jamie's POV

"Ow!" I hiss as a drawing pin stabs my thumb. I try to hold myself steady on the stool as I shove my thumb in my mouth. Don't get me wrong I love my job, but I hate hanging the merch out. Especially if I'm doing it by myself.

It was the day after the date and I haven't seen Derek since last night. He wasn't in the bus when I woke up and I haven't see him since I've gotten to the venue. I drank quite a lot last night so I cannot for life remember how I even ended up in my bed never mind where Derek got to. It was a nice date all in all. But I'm awkward with the after the date time. I never know what to say.

"Do you need any help with that?" A voice asks from behind me. I move my gaze to the direction of the voice and see Jack the sound guy. I remove my thumb from my mouth and laugh.

"Nah, I'm okay. Just a little clumsy." I get down off the stool as delicately as I can. Jack leans on the counter as I pick up another shirt. "Sorry did you want something?"

He smirks slightly and shakes his head. "Nope, just wanted to see a merch girl at work."

I raise an eyebrow at him and turn to climb back up onto the stool, the top swinging from my hand as I do so . "It's not really that interesting."

"Oh trust me it is. Plus it's a great view from where I'm standing." My eyes widen and I pause my hand from stabbing the pin through the top. I turn my head slightly to see jack move his gaze from my backside to my face. I spin back to the board and inwardly groan. "Sorry, did I come on too strong?"

His speech seemed to slur a bit, like he was drunk. "Uh, jack are you working tonight?" I ask. I successfully pin the shirt to the board as I waited for his reply.

"Nope. Got the night off."

So he is most probably hammered. I relax slightly, knowing this is probably the alcohol talking and not him. I step off the stool and turn to face Jack. "Too much to drink then?"

He smirks but doesn't remove his gaze from mine. "I've had a little I will admit."

"I can tell." I laugh as I move the rest of the clothes back to the box. I crouch down to organise the merch underneath the counter to try to avoid Jack's drunken gaze. I'm not good in dealing with drunk people when I'm sober.

"You singing tonight then?" Jack's voice floats to my ears.

"Definitely not." I respond as I stand back up again. I lean onto the counter near to where Jack is standing. "Look, as much as I love having people annoy me whilst I'm trying to set up. I should really get a move on before doors open in an hour."

Jack smirks again and leans forward slightly on the counter. His face uncomfortably close to mine. "I could always, give you a helping hand."

A loud cough to my right saves me from the awkward silence that was bound to ensue because I wouldn't have been able to respond to that. I flick my eyes to see Ben stood in the doorway to the pit. "Jamie? Can I talk to you for a second?" Ben asks eyeing the proximity  between me and jack. I nod my head and push myself off the counter and walk in his direction. "You okay?"

His gaze is still fixated in Jack's general direction. "Yes, Ben I'm fine. I can handle myself. What did you want?"

Ben moves his gaze back to me and then back to Jack again. "I just wanted to ask how your date was last night."

"No you didn't." I smirk. Ben moves his gaze fully to me and remains emotionless.

"Yes I did."

"No you didn't you just decided to be a big brother yet again. Ben I'm fine. I don't need you holding my hand whenever guys show me any sort of attention."

Ben huffs and I raise my eyebrows at him. I take a quick glance back at jack and see him walking away from the booth towards the backstage area. "I don't like him."

I roll my eyes and let a snort escape my nasal cavity. "You hardly know him. He's harmless. He was just drunk that's all."

"Exactly. Who gets drunk before a show?"

I scrunch up my eyebrows and laugh. "'Most musicians and crew? Plus he has the night off. He can have a drink or two if he wants. I did last night."

"Derek got you drunk?" Ben ask almost like he was pissed about that.

"No I got myself drunk. I'm not a child Ben. I can have a couple of drinks if I want to."

Ben audibly sighs and rubs his neck. "You're right. Just don't let him see you flirting with other guys." Ben turns to start walking towards the backstage area before I could process what he just said.

"Excuse me?" I call after him. "Ben!" He ignore me. "Ben I'm not flirting with anyone. Ben?"

"Not what it looked like to me, Jamie. It's your conscience." Ben replies without even a glance in my direction.

"I didn't flirt with him, Ben!" When Ben disappears out of sight I exhale and turn around. "Jesus Chri-" I pause mid sentence as I see Derek leaning against the counter. "Oh, hey." I smile. I walk towards him and as I get nearer I notice his face looks stormy. "You okay?"

"Who was Ben talking about?" His facial expression doesn't change as he asks this.

"What?" I ask, a little confused.

"Who did Ben think you flirted with?"

My mouth opens a little to reply but I'm a little taken aback by Derek's angry demeanour. "Ben? He said I was flirting with Jack but I wasn't. Jack was just drunk."


Was Derek, jealous? "The sound guy."

"Never heard of him." Derek states, his face not changing expression.

I cock my head to the side. "Are you jealous?"

Derek suddenly perks up a little and looks away. "No."

"Yes you are."

"No I'm not."

"Derek we went on one date. Are both you and Ben seriously saying I can't talk to other guys because of that?"

Derek snaps his head back to look at me and smiles. "I'm not jealous because I know no one is better than me." He says cockily.

"You are so full of yourself. Whatever makes you say that?" I reply sarcastically with a little laugh.

"Because of what you said last night." Derek retorts.

My eyebrows fly together to display an even more confused expression. "Excuse me?"

Now it was Derek's turn to laugh. "You don't remember the taxi ride home do you?" He suddenly seems to have calmed down as he leans his tall frame against the counter. Speechless, I remain silent. Derek suddenly leans forward. I'm aware of his close proximity to my face. "Don't worry, I won't hold it against you." His eyes flicker down to my lips and for a split second I hoped he would close the gap and kiss me but I pushed that thought out of my mind.

What seems like forever but was probably only agonisingly slow seconds, Derek removed his face from my personal space and moved to go towards back stage. "D-Derek?" I stutter and silently curse myself. He shouldn't have this affect on me. "What did I say?"

Derek licked his lips and smiled. "You'll have to go on another date with me to find out." He chuckles before disappearing around the corner.



Oh my god. I'm 19.

So much has happened since I stopped writing this book. I'm so sorry to everyone who has added this book to their reading lists, voted and spent their time to read this to find out I hadn't updated.

I started writing this under two years ago when I was 17. So I can't really remember where I was going with this. I give no promises that I'll finish it. But I'm going to try.

Maybe see you soon with another chapter?


You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2018 ⏰

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