Chapter 11 ~ A Boyfriend?

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Dedicated to its_emma_bish for leaving some hilarious comments! Much love 😘
next chapter will be dedicated to the best comment on this chapter!
Hugs and pugs
~ 🙃


Jamie's POV

"You do like him!" Ben, rather loudly, whispers.

"Shut up!" I hiss, shoving my bags on one of the top bunks at the back of the bus. I wanted to make sure I had a bunk by myself, no way was I going to share. "No I don't. Why does everyone think that!?"

Ben sits down on the edge of the bunk opposite me, which I'm guessing was either West or his friend Ryan's because there were a few Japanese collectibles (toys) laid out, with a slight huff. "I seen the way you looked at him, Jamie."

"I also look at you, Sam, West, Fil, Dani, in fact everyone. Does that mean I like everyone on this god damn bus?"

Ben stops for a second before opening his mouth. "Well, you looked at him differently."

I raise an eyebrow at him and then continue to unpack. "You need to lay off the Lucozade, Ben. It's going straight to your head."

"Why don't you admit it, Jamie. Zac isn't here anymore."

At the mention of his name my hands freeze in the bag. I haven't heard that name since... Well, I haven't heard it in a while. And to be honest? I never want to hear it again. Well, unless the word 'Efron' follows it. "I know."

"Then why do you push everyone away still? It's like he still has a hold over you, Jamie, and it's not fair-"

"That's enough, Ben!" I say, rather too aggressively. I spin to look at him. He raises his hands in surrender.

"Sorry, Jamie. I... Shouldn't have brought him up again." His voice sounded quite defeated.

I relax slightly and give Ben a little smile. "No, I shouldn't have kicked off like that. I just, don't want to get close to anyone again."

"That's a pity."


Derek's POV

"Yes! I win again!" Ryan shouts from the couch, next to a disgruntled West.

"No! You cheated!" West whines. I look up from my seat on the counters to the brewing argument opposite. They were playing a video game so a fight was inevitably going to break out.


"It's this controller! It's faulty." West exclaims before throwing the controller onto the table in front of him.

"How is that my fault?"

"You gave me a broken one on purpose!"

"And why would I do that?"

"So you could win!"

"If you two don't shut up, that stupid machine is going out the window!" Hayley yells from the bed above the drivers seat. I still have no idea how she managed to bagsy that bed.

"Guys, to save Hayley smashing your beloved console to bits, I'll go grab my controller from my bag. You may borrow it, but I expect it to still be in mint condition when it's returned. Okay?" I say this more to west than to anyone else. He tends to get... Angry.

A Day With No Ending ~ Derek DiscanioWhere stories live. Discover now