Chapter 7 - Give us a wave!

978 44 5

A/N - Why do these chapters keep getting deleted before I post them?!


Jamie's POV

"So do you reckon he actually meant it?" I ask Hayley who was sitting on the booth to my left. I lean forward and cross my arms on the booth. Hayley had previously been talking to the State Champs merch guy (who's apparently called Horse, props to the person who commented that, much love 🐴but she noticed my little conversation with Derek and she wanted the 'goss' as she put it.

She gives me a side glance pulling a 'you seriously asking that?' face. "Well, duh! He wouldn't of said it otherwise! What did you say?"

"I said no because I don't like him."

Hayley snaps her head in my direction, her mouth agape. "Are you serious right now!? Have you lost your marbles?"

"What, why?"

"You told the poor boy you didn't like him, like at all."

"Well I'm not exactly gonna lie to him."

Hayley raise her eyebrows and starts smirking. "So you won't mind if I give him a chase?" My body tenses but I cough to cover it up. I open my mouth to respond but Hayley puts her finger to my lips to stop me. "You just answered my question, honey. Why didn't you say yes then?"

I move my gaze from Hayley, also removing my mouth from her finger in the process, to the wooden booth I was leaning on, focusing on the little swirls that were present. "You know why."

"You can't let him rule your whole life, Jamie. First Sam and now Derek? You can't let that idiot stop you from being happy."

I sigh and purse my lips. "Don't really want to talk about it."

"I know. Just promise me, you'll give Derek a chance and not shut him down like everyone else? He won't be the same as him."

"Promise." I whisper.


"This next song is called Elevated, here we go!" Derek shouts into his mic over the roar of the crowd. I managed to sneak away from Hayley to watch the set. They're not bad. Even if there's a lot of jumping going on, they're a good band.

After Derek introduced the song, the guitars and drums kick in and the atmosphere is electric. Derek starts jumping and running around the stage as he belts out the lyrics over the crowd which seem to yell back the lyrics twice as loud.

Derek hasn't noticed that I've snuck in through the pit doors. I'm quite far back even if it is a small venue but you can still make out the faces of the band. Derek pauses for a moment to sing some of the lyrics before starting to walk to the other side of the stage when he quickly turns back in my direction and squints. After a while a big smile is plastered on his face.

Shoot. He's seen me.

He continues to sing the rest of the song staring directly at me, it was making me very uncomfortable to say the least. Especially since a girl to the left of me thought he was looking at her and she was getting a little too excited.

The song finally comes to an end with Derek punching the air. "Thank you so much, Japan! We've been State Champs and put you're hands together for our great friends that brought us along with them for this wild ride, Neck Deep!" I clap along with the audience. I start to leave the pit but stop as I hear Derek shout something inaudible into the mic. "And give it up for Jamie who is currently at the back who will be singing with Ben tonight. Give us a wave, Jamie!"

I spun back to look at Derek and see hundreds of eyes on me. I swear I'm going to kill him. I hesitantly raise my hand and the crowd cheer in response but my focus was directly on Derek.

He will definitely be sleeping on the floor tonight.


A/N - heyyyyyyy,

I am soooooo sorry! The chapter I previously did was so much better than this and longer! I wanted to give you an extra long chapter to thank you for the votes and comments but when I cam back it was deleted! I quickly tried to rewrite it but it's so short!


But talking about this topic, thank you so much to the commenters, voters and readers (all the 'ers' really) it means so much to me that you're liking this book, I promise the following chapter will be longer.


Anywho, thank you!

~ Kayleigh x

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