"Why do you feel bad for him?"

"Oh, that's because the way he grew up! If I was him, I would definitely feel that way too!"

The boy started to tell you about this Manga called Naruto, you learned a bit about this character and his ambition of becoming Hokage. It sparked your interest and now you wanted to continue it. The small boy decided to lend you the Manga, only because he's already ahead of the manga series.

Since then, you would take home a new chapter everyday and read it. The Manga helped you to have a small quiet life at home, and kept you occupied from going out of your room.

Years went on and both you and the boy, who you now called Shoyo (Mostly because he almost resembles a character from another Manga series.) Became best friends, but one faithful day, he told you depressing news. His family was moving to another state, and he will permanently stay there for his life until he was older.

Before he left, he gave you his lastest volume of Naruto Shippuden. He told you that you and him will always be connected just by reading this volume. You smiled and hugged him, saying your last goodbyes to your beat friend as his parents called for him. You watched as his car drove off, followed by a movers truck. Lowering your head, you now know it was time to go back home to your parents.

Once reaching your house, you opened the door and expected them to be taking their drugs again. Unfortunately, you were wrong, both of your parents looked at you furiously. This sent shivers down your back; goosebumps forming on your arms as your parents stood up.

"Where have you been?! Do you know how long we have been looking for you?!"

"Your father right! You can't walk out of this house like you own the place. You belong to us and you have to stay here! You did not ask us premission to leave this house!"

"I just wanted to say goodbye to my friend..."

"Friend?! What friend?! If he or she asked you to come by, then that is no friend!"

"But he is my friend!"


You felt a burn on your cheek as your father hand smacked across your face.

"Don't talk back to your mother like that! Go to your room! And give me that book, I bet he or she gave you porn or something!"

You desperately held onto your book as your father tried to take your Manga.

With little patience of his, he slapped you hard this time, which caused you to gasp from the pain and lose grip on your Manga. Finally relieved of retrieving the book, he went outside as you tried to follow him, only to be pulled back by your (h/l) from your mother. It hurt, and it got worse when she suddenly started to beat on you.

By the time nightfall came, you were in your room, sitting up and holding your knees, all the while sniffling. Tears fell from your flushed and bruised cheeks. The last thing they told you, was to respect them more, then you would be able to come out. You stared at the door, knowing all too well that even if you step out, they would come and beat you again.

Now feeling drowsiness come upon you, you laid down on your bed, pulling your blankets over you. What came into your mind before going into darkness, was living in the world with Naruto and them. You wish you lived with them and could go on many adventures and train like a ninja. Oh how you dreamt of that to come true, but reality would always be there to remind you.

Your pre-teen to finally teenager years went the same. Yet, only to insert the beatings and your parents now abusing you. Some days you went without food and water, other days were you trying to desperately cling to life. Your hope and and dreams were slowly dying, and you believed this is how you were meant to live like... However, a spark of hope was sent your way.

~.:Fictional to Nonfictional?!:.~ Madara Uchiha x ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora