The idiots and an Uchiha.

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Third P.o.v

The four of you stood there in silence. Madara still feels like he turned white, Shoyo seemed to be dumbfound, Hashi still pointing at Madara, and you were blinking.

Hashi walked up to Madara, standing a good 2 feet distance from him. He places his hand infront of his lip, inspecting Madara. While he inspected, Madara grew a tick mark, annoyed by this weirdo's antic. If he could right now, he would definitely hit him.

"Just you inspecting me, feels like you might be into guys."

Madara said, in a disgusted tone. Hashi returned with a shock and flushed a tint of red across his face.

"I.. I do not like guys!! I have a wife and you know that Madara!!"

You felt yourself cracked a bit. The guy with the child like shirt... Familiar voice, appearance, and attitude.. Was none other than Hashirama. You mentally slapped yourself, from being too blind to notice.

"Haha... Hashi... This guy is (N/n) friend... Whom cosplayed as Madara..."

"Eh?! No way, this is Madara!! I know how, just by looking at his face!!"

"And I know it's you Hashirama... Still an idiot child I see."

Hashirama gave a shocked expression, before sulking in the corner. Madara gave a tsk sound, looking the other way with his arms folded.

Both you and Shoyo looked at each other, then back to them. A sweat drop could be seen as an exhausted sigh escaped from you both.

"Heh... Who knew there were others... So Uchiha huh?"

You nodded, then smirked at him.

"Senju Brothers, Huh?"

He smirked back, before a mischievous smile grew on his face.

"Never knew you were into crazy evil characters."

"Well, at least its better than having to sleep with men in the same bed. Didn't know you go that way~!"

Shoyo remained quiet, he was embarrassed. Quickly he responded with a throwback.

"Oh, like that time you thought the girl from our elementary was a boy.. And had a crush on her~?"

Now it was your turn to be embarrassed. You felt your face heat up, and you coughed a bit.

"Gay teme."

"Les dobe."

You both looked at each other once more, then brust into a laughing fit. Hashirama and Madara heard your laughter and turn towards you both. They watched as you two were laughing, with huge smiles on your faces. Hashirama smiles at the vibe you both gave of, while Madara watched in curiosity.

Finally you both stopped laughing, mostly because you both started to wheeze and cough.

"Well, we finally found the person you were looking for... Guess that means Tobi is left."

"I'm right here."

The same man whom Madara met with, stood behind Hashirama. He had his neutral stoic face, but occasionally giving Madara a glare.

"When did you get here?"

"Right before you both started to wheeze and cough."

Madara huffed in annoyance, gaining the white hair man attention.

"And here I thought, you would have beem demolished by the fourth's son Jutsu. Pity that you are here."

"Tch, its worst that you both are here. Idiot 1 and 2, Hashirama... Why isn't he on a leash yet?"

Tobirama glared menacingly at Madara, as he return the glare. The three of you stared at both men, sweating from the intense vibe that was now spreading to bypassers.

Quickly, you ran and stood between them. Placing your hands on each of their chest.

"Hey, come on now! We shouldn't fight! First we need to figure out how you three ended up here... And if there are anyone else who came..."

"She's right you know. Tobirama, stand down for now... Where should we go to discuss about this?"

Both you and Shoyo thought about it. A small glance towards one another, and you both smiled.

"The only place we know..."

"Our spot when we were younger."

The three older man stared at shoyo and you. Hashirama eyes lit up as now he could see you both as a couple, Tobirama raised an eyebrow, while Madara blinked, looking away.

"Come on, we'll show you three."

Shoyo told them, and soon all five of you left the store.... Forgetting that you and Shoyo needed to grocery shop.

~.:Time Skip:.~

Madara P.o.v

I was walking behind (F/n) and Shoyo, hearing their conversation but not listening to them. I am still having trouble to believed both the Senju Brothers are here. It would have been better if we found them dead.... One can only dream.


Oh great, here comes idiot 1. Kami, if you are listening, strike him with lightning now.

"So, are you living with her?"

"That does not concerns you idiot."

Hashirama walked besides me now, he frowned a bit turning his head slightly to face me.

"It does concerns me! You are a full grown man! You could easily pounce on her any given time!"

My face scrutched up from his comment. I stopped in my tracks, making Hashirama stop and turn around.


He took off and ran passed Tobirama, Shoyo, and (F/n). I ran after him, yelling out profanities at him. Soon, I heard Tooth brush chase after us both (Mostly me) protesting about murdering me if I lay a finger on him. I could not care at the moment, Hashirama downgraded me very lowly! I am not that low to even consider that!

Your P.o.v

I watched the three of them run all over the place... Just what is going on?

"They've seem quite lively..."

I nodded in agreement... But sweat dropped as well. We need to find a way to stop them, or we'll never get to our spot. Let's see what we could do.

"Shoyo, do you have any ideas to stopped them?"

He folded his arms, closing his eyes and tilting his head a bit.

"We could form an agreement to the Idiot and Uchiha... But I doubt that would work... What do you suppose we do?"

I gave him a smile, I know Madara wants to finish the rest of the Naruto Shippuden... On the other hand... what does Hashi and Tobi currently like here in this world?

"Well, what has sparked Hashi and Tobi's interest... While being here?"

He gave me a mischevious smirk, then whispers into my ear. My eyes gleam and we both nodded. We yelled in an usion.

"If you three don't stop, we will miss the Anime store!! And your anticipation of your series will be left until Next week!!"

By now, they all stopped running and faced us. Hashi looks like he was the verge of Crying... Madara seemed to be shocked and Tobi looked concern... Gaah!! Madara looks so cute!!

I let out a small giggle, making Shoyo look at me. He whispers to me quietly.

"Thinking Madara looks so cute~?"

I blushed and gently slapped his arm. He laughs at me, thus making me pout and hit him more.

Third P.o.v

The three adults watched as the kids laughed and fought a bit. Hashirama and Tobirama just smiled from the small display. On the other hand, all Madara could think of... Was that he is surrounded by idiots.

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