Arrival Of the CEO

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Third P.o.v

A dark Blue Mercedes quickly enters the Apartment Complex, signaling residents to instantly look out their windows or come out. The vechile slow downs and parks into one of the free open parking spot.

The door opens from the driver side, as Black long hair man who seemingly to have charms steps out from the vehicle. He closes his door and goes around the car to the passenger side. Opening the door for his passenger, a Wavy Medium Dark Brunette woman steps out and thanks the gentleman that held the door open.

Both of them soon walked up to one of the apartment doors, and give it a knock. Commotion could be heard inside, but a yell from the otherside told them that the person was coming. The door open up, to have the person from the apartment look up at the two.

Both of the high status looked down at the person who stood before them. The Woman smile softly, taking off her sunglass to stare at the small person. With a quickly movement, the woman engulf the small person into a deep hugged and started to squeeze her greatly!

"My dear (F/n)!! Its been forever since I've seen you!!

Your P.o.v

I felt my Aunt nuzzle her cheek against mine. I squirmed in her grasp, trying to push her away from me.

"A-Auntie! S-Stop!!"

She finally stopped, before pinching both of my cheeks. Her eyes darken, putting me into a fright.

"I've told you before (F/n)! Call me Miya!"

"Okay Okay! Miya! Stooop!"

Hearing her sigh of satisfaction, she lets go of my cheeks and hugs me to death once more. Finally she stops and pulls away to take one good look at me.

"Oh (F/n)! I am so glad I get to see you again! Tell me, how has school been? Have you been taking care of yourself? Did you spend up your allowance?! And Who was the male that answered the phone?! Did he hurt you?! Did he impregnate you?! Will he be a responsible Father?!"

I waved my hands in front of me, trying to calm Miya down. I knew she was very Protective of me, but this is going overboard now!

"Miya! I am perfectly fine, and no the guy who answered the phone was a friend of mine! I had to leave the apartment to do a little of errands, thats all.. And its been the same with School, nothing unusual."

I smiled nervously at Miya. Hopefully she will drop it and just hug me to death once more. Luckily, she smiled and gave me a hug once more.

"Well, I'm glad you are fine (F/n). But I do have wonderful news~! I will be with you for a month now~!"

I looked at her shocked. A-A Month?! Don't get me wrong, I am really excited for her to be back but... I promised Madara that he will return home in a week. Oh boy, how is he going to react to it?!

"Are you not that happy to hear the news, sweetie...?"

I nodded my head rapidly and jumped towards her. I wrapped my arms around her, pretending to still be excited for the news.

"Are you kidding Miya?! I was just so shocked to hear the news! You usually stay for a week, but for a month now?! That's wonderful Miya!"

She return her hug on me and smiled widely. I was kind of glad she could not see my face right now.. I am still worried about Madara... I guess I have to go over there now.

When I looked up, I noticed her assistant... He was watching me very closely. It was also strange to see her assistant with a meduim pony tail.. For some odd reason, it feels like I know him from somewhere.

"Miya? Is this your new assistant?"

She lets go of me and turns to him. She signaled him to come closer and introduce himself. He made his way and stopped in front of me, nodding his head to greet.

"I just recently started with Miya about a month ago. I go by her assistant or assistant Kang. Its a pleasure to meet you Ms. (L/n)."

I smiled awkwardly, at his introduction. I am not that familiar with formal manner. I grabbed his hand and shook it gently.

"(F/n) is fine. I hope you are taking care of Miya! She can be a little scary.... At times..."

"Yes, I have never met any woman who is more frighten than any other women I have met. CEO Miya certainly knows how to keep me in place..."

I giggled at his response, as Miya stood behind us proudly. She looked around the apartment then shook her head in disappointment.

"I do love this apartment, because it was your very own place. Unfortunately, it cannot do now!"

I looked at her bewildered, unsure what she meant now. She turned around towards me, smiling brightly.

"Its time to look for an actual house (F/n)! I refuse to let my assistant or any of your girl friends to sleep on the floor while one of you have a bed."

I sweat dropped at Miya's statement. I waved my hands rapidly, trying to understand what she meant.

"M-Miya! I am grateful for the sudden change, but I am fine I believe everything will be fine..."

She shook her head in disapproval. Immediately, she turned to Kang and ordered him to do something.

"Kang, please look up any real estates that are selling homes with at least four bedrooms and three bathrooms! If there are five bedrooms, please have a look in it as well."

He nodded and pulled out his phone. I could only stand there in disbelief, only Miya could do this. Which reminds me.

"Miya, if I may... I need to make a phone call, I remember I had an assignment and I just wanted to let my partner know that my part will take some time to finish... Will that be fine?"

Miya nodded once again, and I quickly went to my room. I closed the door and dialed the phone number quickly. Hearing the number being dial, finally someone picks up.

"Hey!... We need to talk..."

~.:Fictional to Nonfictional?!:.~ Madara Uchiha x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now