Start from the beginning

Upon revealing how he feels, he doesn't know whether to regret it or not because once it's out in the open things are going to change, but letting Bobbi know will allow her to see he's being real. He wouldn't want her to worry about him, that's why he didn't want to talk to anyone about it because he might be looked at different. He doesn't want anyone to look at him like he has a problem or that anyone should watch out or feel sorry for him. That's the thing that hurts him the most; he doesn't think anyone should feel sorry for him and keep an eye on him, like it's not worth their time... he's not worth the time. Yet, he knows he can control the situation, but it's a tough time at home right now.

He knows how strong he is and that he'll be able to pull himself out of it if he feels he's going far. He's a mess and the only way to comfort himself is with alcohol. Treats it like someone would with smoking cigarettes, he knows his limit. But he feels so alone.

'What I said is something no one should ever say to anyone and I can't believe it came from me to you. But at that moment it wasn't me. It wasn't the Roberto you know. You were cutting me off from something that really felt like a friend, the only thing I could confide myself in, so that side of me I don't like acted out. This isn't me saying it's your fault it happened and never in a million years would it be. I am truly sorry, Bobbi, and if I could turn back time I would so do it. You can count on it.

'I wouldn't be surprised if you detest me and wouldn't want anything to do with me. I'm an ásshole, and I hope that I can see you tomorrow at Gracious Gardens. But we can leave it on a professional note, anything you want. Again, I'm sorry about what I said.' 

In a state of despondency, anguish etches onto his features, his bottom lip quivers but he composes himself as he's here for Bobbi and not for him to come to her house and ask her to feel sorry for him.

Disregarding the deplorable feeling she has towards him, she's aghast to hear what he's been hiding and keeping to himself, and she gravitates to him upon knowing his secret. She's dumbstruck but Roberto takes it as her giving him more of the silent treatment. She knew something was wrong and she was always there to help him and she will be if he allows her, but his words... the aggression and anger as he spat it, it didn't sit well with her. She was appalled someone would put those words together and say it to someone.

'Can we go on a walk, please?' he begs with his grey eyes full of pain, dark circles under his eyes, adamant to rectify his doings. He watches her with her arms crossed over her stomach, holding her elbows, and she gives an imperceptible nod of her head. He'd give anything to know what she's thinking and what she thinks of him. He sees how well she is at masking her emotions, she became very skilled at it over the years, and it tears at his heart that she does it and has been doing it for so long.

She turns her head over her shoulder, one hand on the door, and calls out, 'Dad, I'm going on a quick walk with Roberto, 'kay? The fresh air might do me some good.'

'Alright, sweetie. If you feel worse just come straight home. Be careful!' They hear him shout back. It sounds to Roberto that he's in the kitchen.

She turns around and throws on some nearby sneakers at the bottom of the stairs, then shuffles on her coat. Sniffles her nose when she steps outside and she closes the door behind her. Reaching outside her yard, embarking on their walk, she asks, 'Are you going to tell me what's going on?'

Hesitant at first, because he thinks it's all so silly how it started, he nods his head. 'It's just...' he trails off as he sighs and scratches his nose. 'My dad and I just don't see eye to eye at the moment and it's getting to me a little because I kind of started it. So I know I can fix it and put it right but when I tried to talk to him about it twice, I fought with him again.

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