chapter 11

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Blaine's POV
I was in my last class of the day history,until glee. tapping my foot and thinking about what happen with Kurt last night.

"why was he crying?what happen?did something happen?did I do something?"

I was so out of it when the bell rang it scared me out of my seat and I fell.I Hurd someone giggle behind me so I got up and turned around to see Sam

"totally smooth dude"

"thanks" I said sarcastically

we headed to glee club together and when we got inside the choir room  no surprise Rachel was the first one there sitting front and center

"hello fellow glee clubbers"

"hey Rach"

Sam said sitting next to her. I walked to the back row and sat as far away as possible to the rest of the room not really in a talking mood do to thinking about Kurt.

"hey Blaine,where is Kurt he usually comes in with you?"

Rachel asked but before I could say anything the rest of the glee club members came in and took there seats.Finn sat on the other side of Rachel and started talking to Sam and her,Artie rolled over to the side, puck took a seat in the middle row with Quinn, Joe sat in the middle of Sugar and Brittany in the back row next to me, britt being on my left but a seat away. Mike on the other side of Quinn and and Mercedes in front of Me leaving two seats for Kurt and Tina.speaking of ,Tina walks in and sits right next to me even tho she knows I sit next to kurt. She sits down and moves her chair closer to me but right now I don't really care because I'm to busy thinking when Mr shue walks in.

"ok class!how is everybody doing today!?"

The room filled with
"good hby?"
"it's going well"

"grate,I love to here that, ok so- wait where is Kurt?"

Everybodys head was turned to me

"Blaine do you know"he asked

That's when I broke out of my daze and noticed everyone staring

"w-what oh, um he's home sick"

I noticed Tina smile a bit at that witch made me kind of annoyed

"oh where did he go, I can send him some stuff From His room"Brittany said,i giggled at her confusion

"no britt,he's at his house but he's sick I think he has a cold"I say lying because I know he's not really sick but I don't know exactly what's wrong.

"oh, ok well if you need medicine for him I found some under my bed,I think lord tubbington has been buying it off of the black market Again"

"thanks?" I say giggling

"ok back to class........"

After Mr shue started talking again I went back into a pretty deep thought process. Quicker then expected the bell rang signaling the and of school. I grabbed my books and started walking to my locker when Tina ran up behind me

"man she is getting really annoying"

"hi Blaine"

"hey Tina"

"so you seemed a bit out of it today are you ok?"

"yes I'm fine,thank you"

"no problem"

I though that was the end of the conversion but she just stood next to my locker looking at me

"is there something else"I ask grabbing some hair gell out of my locker and applying it over my pretty much perfectly slicked back hair just to make sure it doesn't come out

"well I was wondering if you wanted to go out on a date with me tonight?"


"will you, Blaine Devon Anderson go on a date with me?"she said full of confidence

"um,Tina...thank you for the offer but..... No"

Her smile dropped and she looked at me with confused eyes

"Tina you know that on with Kurt"

"Kurt doesn't deserve you! You are the best guy anyone could ever ask for and all he dose is think about himself and wine All the time."

"excuse me but I don't think you get to talk about him Like that,nothing you just said is true about him at all, you are the one who is always whining and thinking about yourself, I mean sure he complains sometimes about how he never gets solos but he actual deserves them, he is one of the best singers in there and nobody appreciates him at all. You on the other hand complain all the time none stop about how you never get solos,well maybe if you worked harder and practice your vocals more, people would consider giving you one two.and btw I'm gay so I don't feel that way about you,I love Kurt"

She had on a wired face I couldn't really read,it looked between the Mix of upset an jealous. She couldn't think of anything to say back so she just stomped off.I feel way better now that I got that out.     

I put all of my stuff in my locker and walk out to the parking lot headed towards my car, I pull out my keys  hop in and started driving to the Lima bean. I'm going back to Kurt's later so I want to bring him some coffee.

Chapter yay I've got nothing to say today.Well anyway have an amazing week love you<333

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