Lesson 1/Chapter 4

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Song: Pretty Little Psycho nightcore

Charlotte Pov

"Would you like to see something?"

His smirk was deadly but curiosity seemed to get the best of me. Wynsor's words had drifted out my mind and completely forgot about the 'manipulate' side of the Demon King. I had a moment where even the demons seemed to warn me away but if I left I wouldn't be able to see what he wants me to.

"Yes." I know my answers have to be direct with him because I have heard stories of how impatient he can become. Playing around isn't an option when you are faced with the body of evil.

"Follow me." He stepped up from the throne and walked past me, his hand trailed over mine and sent chills all the way around my body. I stood from the chair and he slid it away with another wave of his hand, he approached the door I had just come through. He said nothing and just opened the door, both of us walk in, no hesitation in my steps.

I walk ahead admiring the room I had just entered. Light specs dotted the scenery with a mind of their own, some resting on moss rocks beside the flowing river. The river dropped down to stone levels and finally trickled into an almost still lake. A clear path was cleared next to the water, the smell of real nature, the feel of warmth cast by the sun yet none of it was real. It was all a room.

"Why are we here?" I turn to him, he's lay on a grey brick wall, propped up on his elbows and reading Romeo and Juliet again. I thought he left it in his office.

"This is your first lesson. It's better to learn from the best." He chuckled and clearly found my confused expression hilarious. He jumped off the small wall and walked toward me, my face now fixated on the blue pool of water. Beautiful.

"So King what must I learn?" I felt his breath near my neck again and his presence hovering like a ghost behind me. The effect it seemed to have on my body gave an unnerving sensation in my stomach.

"Orpheius." He stated, I peered over my shoulder and he moved the curls from covering my face. I had given him another confused look and he smirked one more time before adding...

"My name. It's Orpheius...I'm not here to be your King." His tone had softened and I think he noticed it too. However, I refused to break eye contact with him.

"But if you join me in my bedroom, I would rule you, I'd control you, I'd-"

"Okay, I get the point." I cut him off and ignored his chuckle, I walked to the water's edge staring into the - deeper than expected - river. My eyes matched the swirls in the river. I turned once more to look at Orpheius that had perched back on the wall, puffing black smoke from his mouth. It drifted in the air and he swirled it around his finger, when he caught my glance, he also caught the smoke and it disappeared in seconds.

"You need to manifest your shadows." His arms were at full length behind him, keeping himself propped up - sunbathing in something that wasn't real. I looked around the room, every inch covered in light, not a shred of darkness, not even from the murky rocks on top of the water tower.

"But there is no darkness." I took another look at the illusion and as I saw before it was all bright, it seemed to have grown brighter by the thought crossing my mind. Orpheius just smirked and stifled a chuckle, his thumb brushed his chin as he averted eye contact with me.

"Then become the darkness." His eyes closed and he lay flat on the wall. I took a seat next to the river and continued to analyse my surroundings. This was like the box, I had to figure out the lesson and then mentally solve it. It is such a headache.

"And when I find it?" I asked but received no answer.

A few hours had passed and nothing was said between us both, he continued to read his book and I lay in the green grass that smelt like apples. My eyes grew heavy staring at the never-ending daylight and I began to drift to sleep. It came fast and my dreams came even faster.

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