Chapter 15:

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A/N: So before you read this, I decided last minute, that I wanted to carry this one chapter longer, to honor YJ's longtime tradition of using the number 16 for important things. HEADS UP: This chapter will be really sad, and even though I didn't want to write it, it makes good value for the final chapter. Anyway, please enjoy, if you can... (I was not whelmed working on this...)

From that day forth, it never mattered to Conner, when Superman wouldn't say a word to him. He didn't need his father's approval. He already had the one person's who mattered to him the most, and that was his love, M'gann. Conner loved her with all his heart. She was his everything, including his world. She made him laugh, she made him smile, she made him not like he had been intended to be. And when she broke his heart that fateful day, it left him severely untrusting of her. 

Sure, it was one of those days, when he was planning something huge. He had planned a massive picnic in Metropolis, at the place where she had gone to find him, and where they had first connected for real. He had hoped they could be able to be together and catch up, since they hadn't seen much of each other all that summer. Conner had everything laid out, and was waiting for M'gann. When he got the alert on his com, about an unexpected mission, he sadly packed up everything, and left Metropolis. 

Arriving at the Cave, he stared at M'gann. She had changed so much, in only three months. In fact, everyone had changed a lot. Wally and Artemis had taken leave, and several new members had joined. Kaldur had switched sides to the enemy, after discovering the truth of his father's existence. Now M'gann had shortly cut hair, and was obviously taller, and more solemn. Conner really missed her happy smile. That's what he liked most about her, and now that was gone. He turned his attention up to the front of the room, where Nightwing, once Robin, spoke. The Bird said, "A freight train carrying several explosive blocks of dynamite is expected to arrive at Star City Station tonight. However, we have intel that points that there is an unknown buyer, who is paying a large sum to get that shipment of dynamite. Your mission, is to learn who that buyer is, who the person being paid is, and well as infiltrate and stop the shipment from being stolen, so that it gets to the station, without it being activated. Team, dismissed." M'gann came up next to Conner, and gave him a kiss, saying, "I haven't seen you all summer, Conner? How are things?" The clone shrugged, and responded, "Things are good. Turns out I have grandparents in the country. Superman has also gotten more open with me. Just a bit, though. Not like you and your uncle, I guess... How was your summer?" The Martian said, "It was fine, just a lot of training under my uncle. He had a ton to show me, and I needed to learn." "Well, okay then...", Conner said, his voice somewhat sad. 

They both headed to the Bioship together, and Conner watched as M'gann knelt beside her 'blood brother', Garfield. He knew the young teen, when he was eight, and had been present, when M'gann donated some of her blood to save his life. Garfield looked different now as well, with green eyes, hair, and skin. He became a hero, after his mother's death. Conner knew it hurt both of them to know that Marie Logan, the star of Hello Megan, was dead by Queen Bee's hand.

Later, on the mission, Conner watched as M'gann's eyes flashed white, and she wore a look of concentration on her face. The explosives, they learned, were being bought by a group of unknown aliens, and were being stolen, by a group of people that were under the aliens' mind control. Conner yelled at M'gann, "Please don't do this! You don't have to hurt them! They were trying to survive, and needed some way to stay active!" M'gann yelled back, "Conner, just stop! They deserve what they did! This is all their fault! And also, why are you siding with them?! They are the bad guys!" "They don't deserve to die for it! Let's just take them back for questioning! I'm sure there's a solution!", Conner answered back, trying to stop her. M'gann yelled, "This has to be done!" Now, in that moment, he saw her break her promise to him, with the look in her eyes that left him scared and stunned, as she mentally choked the life out of one the aliens, leaving the alien mentally dead. She then turned to Conner, and her eyes were still the same white color. He felt her invade his mind, and try to erase the memory from his knowledge. Images of Cadmus' mind control came to him, and he tried to resist, remembering what they had done to him. Some of the other team members came up, and Nightwing yelled, "Miss Martian! Break it up!" Hearing Nightwing's voice, Conner felt M'gann leave his mind instantly. Her eyes returned to normal, as she whispered, "I'm sorry...", over and over. It didn't fix the damage though. Conner's mind was perverted and abused by the one person he trusted above everyone else. How could he have been so foolish, not to see that she would hurt him, to keep him?

On the way back, Conner tried to say, "Why did you have to do that?" M'gann said, "Conner, I had to...for the sake of the mission, and the safety of the people." "YOU HAD TO! YOU KILLED SOMEONE! YOU KILLED ONE OF US! AN ALIEN, M'GANN! Doesn't that sound wrong to you? And you tried to make me forget it, by perverting into my head! Man, I thought I knew you... I was so wrong. I don't know you at all...", Conner yelled back angrily, his black brows furrowed to a point. "Conner, I-", M'gann started. "No, you know what? We're done. It's over. I don't understand how you can use your powers for that. I don't approve. It's what the bad guys would do.", Conner said, fiercely. M'gann yelled, "Well, if you feel so strongly on that, take it up with Nightwing. He's the leader!" All others on the Bioship were silent, none wanting to say a word, as they didn't want to get in between a Martian and a Kryptonian argument. Last time that it had happened, that they knew of, it ended in a bloody fight to the death.

The rest of the ride back was silent, and neither spoke a word. Conner hadn't wanted to end it with M'gann, but the fact that she had done something so vile, made his anger rekindle, and he had to blow a fuse over it. Now, he felt terrible. However, little did he know, M'gann was feeling the same thing. She hadn't wanted to lose Conner, but she also had made a pact to use her powers to help the Team, even when Conner's personal opinion went against it. So she had to move on, even though it hurt. When they got back, they went their separate ways, not even thinking that the other was feeling the same tragic heartache they each had. 

The next day, Conner got up, and came into the living room, to find M'gann holding hands and laughing with the newest recruit, Lagoon Boy. Man, Conner hated him like he hated monkeys... Then, he watched her lean over and kiss the fish lover, on the lips! Conner felt betrayed. He felt hurt. He felt replaced. And he vowed to never let it go, and to use his anger to make Lagoon Boy's life as a teammate, a sore time. 

A/N: Yes, I went there. The breakup. I'm sorry. And for including La'gaan's mere chance of being present, I cannot stand him at all, if it's not abundantly clear in the work. Again, this IS NOT THE LAST CHAPTER! I decided I needed an even number, and the number needed to be 16, to honor that long standing tradition. (For example, Conner is 16 weeks old, when he's found, the sub level he was on, was Sub-level 16, Wally turned 16 in the episode Coldhearted, in the S2 episode, Happy New Year, the current year is 2016. It goes on, and on, throughout the show's run) Also, I had to republish this, due to some of my facts on the breakup not being very straightforward and true. Chapter 15 has been completed in full now.

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