Chapter 7:

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A/N: I am SOOO sorry, guys, for not updating this sooner! I think it has actually been a month since I last did a chapter in here, because I was trying to finish one of my books, that was requested by a fan. Anyway, now that the other book is done, all my attention will go to this and one other book in my works. Please, enjoy Chapter 7 of my baby Supermartian ship! (Gosh, I love these two so much!)

In his whole young life of being free from Cadmus' mind control and choice, Superboy had never thought that anyone would like him, much less a girl he barely knew and who was a Martian from a distant planet. Then again, he was an alien too. Did that mean things were normal? Was it normal for him, a Kryptonian, to feel and have emotions about a Martian? Silently, he left the closet, and went out into the living room. He watched as all eyes fell on him, but never uttered a word. Superboy went to the couch, and plopped down hard, so much so that the springs in the couch snapped when he relaxed. Artemis heard the snaps of the springs and immediately went to confront him about them. She said, looking right at Superboy and standing in front of the TV, "You just broke the couch! You-" M'gann flew over, went to stand over by Superboy, her green hands touching his muscles, as she said, "Artemis, you promised! Please stop!" The blonde retorted, "He never thinks of anyone, but himself! What about us? Why do we have to stay out of his way every time he sits down somewhere or has a huge, childish, Kryptonian temper tantrum about how much he hates not being liked by his 'daddy'? It's not fair to the rest of us..." "Artemis, please! You're going to hurt his feelings!", M'gann cried out. Artemis answered, "He has no feelings! He's a clone! A copy!" M'gann looked at Superboy, her kind heart shattered for the silent teen who hadn't said a word so far. She responded, tears coming to her eyes, "You have no idea what it's like to be him! To feel like you're all alone in the world, because people don't know you. " 

Superboy listened to the dispute, but he was bored. The voices were driving him crazy, because they were so loud, and were in his ears. He stood up abruptly, and pushing the two girls aside, left the room urgently. He headed to the Hangar, and found a quiet spot to sit and think, where he was sure no one would dare to look for him. Superboy liked that M'gann defended him what seemed like every time, but he never had enjoyed Artemis' negative comments. Now that they were about him, they only were louder. Frowning, he thought about what he needed to do. Should he wait until the matter was resolved, or should he confront the problem on his own? He wasn't sure. All he knew was that it was an issue that would cause strife. Hearing the door to the Hangar open, Superboy looked out from his hiding spot, and saw M'gann enter, her eyes flooded with tears. She approached the Bioship, and said, "I just don't understand why he hates me so much. I've tried to talk to him, but even that becomes a disaster. I-I just want Superboy to know that he isn't alone in this. That I care for him. That I want him. I get so nervous, that I  accidentally covered him in flour and eggs, and got him covered in grease." Suddenly, Superboy heard M'gann stop talking. He listened to her gentle, steady heartbeat. It was like a song to his ears. 

Subconsciously, the young teenage clone followed the heartbeat song out, and found himself before M'gann. She gave a slight blush, and asked, surprised, "Superboy, what are you doing out here?" He answered, in a rough tone, "I needed to be alone." He continued, a few minutes later, after a silent break, "Why does Artemis think I don't have feelings?" M'gann sighed, and said, "She doesn't understand you the way everyone else does. The way I do. I've heard you, Superboy, and you aren't like what you were claimed to be." Superboy smiled slightly up at M'gann, and blushed himself. He felt the heat rise to his cheeks, and his ears begin to burn, as if they were on fire. His heart began to pound in his already strong chest, and his broad shoulders turned up. He said, "Uh, er...thank you?", not really sure how to answer to a comment such as that. Superboy rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, and glanced down at M'gann. 

Feeling strongly compelled by some unknown force, he drew closer to her, and took her hands in his. He leaned in, and pulled back a bit of the red hair from the girl's eyes, then stared. In his mind, all he could think was, "What am I doing? This isn't possible. I really like M'gann, but..." Superboy blinked back to reality, and still saw M'gann looking up into his piercing blue eyes. He gulped, and M'gann said, "Are you okay? You seem nervous." "I can't have you.", he said simply, forcefully pulling his hands out of hers. M'gann asked, "What?" Superboy answered again, beginning to walk away, "You heard me. I can't have you. You're too good for me. I'm not what I seem... You wouldn't love me. No one does. Not even my own father." M'gann replied, "Superboy, I don't understand. Talk to me." The clone shook his head, and said, "No, I can't. Not now." "Superboy?", M'gann asked, her voice hesitant. "WHAT!?", he growled back at her, his eyes burning with anger. He clenched his fists, and pounded them into the wall, leaving a large dent. M'gann jumped and yelped, then Superboy saw it. It was the thing he had seen in Metropolis. The red haired Martian's beautiful brown eyes were shaking violently, showing a deep fear...of him. She didn't love this side of him, she feared him. He was right; no one could love the side of him that was a monster. It hurt him like heck, that he was right, but there wasn't much he could do. Superboy hated being a monster.

Feeling even more anger, he angrily stomped to the door, and threw it open quickly. When he left, he let the door slam hard with a bang, leaving M'gann alone. The Martian bent onto the ground, and started to cry. She wasn't crying because she was hurt by Superboy's hateful words towards her. No. She was crying, because she could sense his mind and soul crying out for help...from her. They both had screamed out to her, wanting her to be the one to help keep him sane, but the same Kryptonian stubbornness she knew he had, before they mind melded, was there again. It had reared its ugly head, and even though M'gann wanted Superboy, it was enough to make him back out. Maybe he feared her knowing the truth? The truth that he thought of himself as a monster? Or maybe he was just not good at showing emotions. Whatever it was, M'gann knew that it was stopping him from being himself. It was stopping him, making him fear himself. And it was telling him there was no way they could ever be. 

A/N: So yeah, we get a bit of crisis in the book... I'm sorry, but that's how it goes, when I'm in charge of the characters. Anywho, I hope you enjoyed this one, and if you feel like it, do consider voting or commenting below! I love to know what you guys like the most or want me to put in. Also, taking new book ideas as well. If you have any, PM me, or comment. I assure you, I don't bite! I just write angry sometimes, because Supermartian is literally me, but not all the time, am I mad.

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