Chapter Nine: Friendship

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" guys want..?" I Said.

"We're sorry, about what we did, after that we saw that Slender Man IS real, we changed." Mike said.

"What're you trying to say?" I asked confused.

"We're sorry for everything, grabbing you, you know. We were just listening to Dave, and his idiotic commands. We didn't know any better." Mike said.

"Well, I accept your apology." I Said smiling.

"You do?" Mike asked with a cheerful smile.

"Yep, I do." I Said.

"Can we like, forget everything that's happened?" Mikes friend asked.

"Sure, I'm willing to do that." I Said.

They smiled and sat down next to me.

"So, What's Slender Trying to do? Since we heard you've been at the hospital several times this month." Mike asked.

"Well, ever since I moved here, ever since I went into the woods, I've been seeing him non-stop." I explained.

"But what does he want?" Mikes friend asked.

"I'm wondering the same thing." I Said.

"I'd say the best bet, try staying out of the woods, cause he practically lives there. I've done some research, and it said the woods is his home." Mike said.

"I'll try to, as long as I don't see him." I Said.

"Here, this is our phone numbers, just in case." Mike said.

"Thanks." I Said.

"So you wanna do something? Grab something at Starbucks?" Mike asked.

"Sure, I'd like to get out of the cold." I Said smiling.

As we walked to Starbucks, i was happy they they changed, I knew they had a good part inside them.

We stopped at a stop light, so we had to wait to cross.

As we were chatting while we waited, I noticed something in the corner of my eye.

It was him, Slender. Staring at me from the woods.

Mikes voice faded at I looked at Slender, then I heard my name being whispered, then it got louder.

"Alexa...hey Alexa, You Alright?" Mike asked.

"Huh? Oh yeah, I thought I saw something." I Said.

We sat at Starbucks, and chatted for a while.

Mike chatted about what he's in to, but as I was talking also, I noticed Slender staring right at me.

I started hearing something that sounded like someone beating on a drum, that would play every five seconds.

Mike waved his hand in my face to get my attention.

"Earth to Alexa, heh." Mike said.

"Oh, sorry what?" I Said.

"I asked if you'd want to maybe go to prom with me this week?" Mike asked.

"Oh, yeah sure, sounds fun." I Said happily.

"Cool, I'll come around your house on Friday at, eight?" Mike asked.

"Perfect, i'd have to find a dress though, all of mine are ugly." I Said.

"Yeah, I have to buy a suit, mine is way too small." Mike said chuckling.

Mikes friend tapped him on his shoulder to ask something.

"What's up Arthur?" Mike asked.

They talked for a minute, but as soon as I turned my head to look at the falling snow, Slender was right in front of my face.

"I screamed as I fell off the chair, Mike and Arthur came over to help me up.

"Alexa? What's the matter?" Mike asked.

"You did SEE him outside? He was right in my face!" I Said.

"Slender?" Mike asked.

"Yes! His face, it was all torn up!" I Said hugging Mike.

Everyone was looking in the coffee shop, but I didn't care.

"It's alright Alexa, I don't think he's here anymore." Mike said.

I was so afraid, that I hugged Mike tightly.

"Here, let's get you home, tomorrow I'll go clothes shopping with you, that'll make you feel better right?" Mike asked.

"Yeah, I guess so." I Said.

We walked to my house, Mike made sure I got in safely, before shouting: "I'll see you tomorrow!"

I walked into the living room, and sat on the couch trying to relax.

After about fifteen minutes I felt better.

I went to make myself dinner, but we were out of stuff I needed, so I grabbed my jacket and walked to the store.

Half way to the store, I heard something behind me, I turned around, but nothing was there.

As soon as I turned around, a black cloaked figure appeared in front of me, then everything went black.

Slender: The Reunion Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang