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Song- ParalyzedbyFX

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Song- Paralyzed

DASHING THROUGH the tunnel, taking a sharp left, light starts pouring in, signaling the end of the tunnel.

I squint as the bright rays of the sun hits me, my eyes adjusting as it settles on the various boats standing at bay.

"There." Mitch points to a boat starting to sail, instantly sprinting forward as I rush behind him.

He jumps over a railing, landing on a steam boat as I copy his actions.

"C'mon Nicole." He yells over at me, my eyes widening as Mitch takes a giant leap from the current boat we're on to the one being driven by Stan's ex trainee.

Without a second thought, I push myself forward, taking a leap as I land safely on the moving boat, scrambling to my feet.

Mitch has already dived at the phsyco, knocking him down, both of them tumbling into the lounge room of the boat.

Without a second thought, I rush down.

Both of them are hitting each other, Mitch's fists colliding with the phsyco's face, putting him in the lead.

Things take a toll when I am suddenly send flying through the air when the boat hits a big wave, me landing on the ground with a groan.

I quickly scramble to my feet though, taking a stance next to Mitch, my fists raised, the phsycopath standing in front of us, gripping a blade ,which he had pulled from his boot, tightly in his grip.

"The bomb can't be stopped," he speaks, tauntingly, "just like you can't stop me from killing Nicole." His words take a second to run through my mind, but before I, nor Mitch can even comprehend what's happening, he dives forward, his blade slicing through me.

I stare down at my stomach, the knife pushed deeply inside, the man grinning at me wickedly as he pulls the blade from my stomach, blood starting to poor from the wound as I collapse to the ground, the pain unbearable.

I stare down at my stomach, the knife pushed deeply inside, the man grinning at me wickedly as he pulls the blade from my stomach, blood starting to poor from the wound as I collapse to the ground, the pain unbearable

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"Nicole." My name leaves Mitch's lips, him moving forward, but is stopped when he is tackled to the ground.

My breathing keeps getting heavier, the noise fading in and out, my vision becoming slightly blurry.

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