~ Chapter 2 ~

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Here's chapter two hope you like it!!!


~Chapter 2~

When we exited the car we were instantly surrounded by our usual group of friends that consists of Matthew (Matt) Hayes, Jake Cole, and Scott Owens.

The first one to speak was Scott, who yelled out at us,"ASHY-POO, ANNIE-BANANIE!"

I started laughing at Scott's childish-ness (if that's even a word) and heard Ash murmur, "Don't call me that," as he started glaring at Scott, but you could still see the hint of the smile that he's trying hard to hold back because really, you can't help but forgive Scott for anything he does because you know he doesn't mean to hurt anyone in any way. But that doesn't mean he won't break a girls heart after using them.

You see, all the guys are pretty good looking. Oh, who am I kidding, they are all drop dead gorgeous! And they were also the biggest players of this school. My best friend out of the four of them, Ash, has black hair that is spiked up from the top and cut on the sides (you know, the whole Zayn Malik look) and deep blue eyes. Scott, the childish buffoon of the group, has blonde hair that looks like it has never met a hairbrush before and grey eyes. Jake, the biggest player of the whole group (and school), has messy light brown hair and hazel colored eyes . And last, but not least, Matt, the quiet and nice one of the guys, has shaggy dark brown hair and brown eyes that always look like they're twinkling. But just because he's nice, that doesn't mean he's not a player, he just knows how to let the girls down gently.

I know what your thinking,'How in the world does a girl with boring light brown hair and green eyes that are covered by those huge glasses and dresses like a hobo, friends with the four hottest guys that have ever walked the earth?' And you know my answer? I have no idea. No, really. If I knew I would have told you. 

Just as we started walking up to Beach Side High School, from the corner of my eye I saw the blonde bim- I mean 'cheerleaders' walking towards us or should I say, the guys. It's obvious that the 'leader' of the group, Brandi, hated me the moment she found out that I hung out with the 'IT' boys of the school. And yes, she is the stereotypical head cheerleader with the fake blonde hair, fake blue eyes(contacts), fake boobs, fake... you get the image. But to top it all off, she dresses like she's going to the club...everyday. 

When she and her friends *cough* minions *cough*, Macy and Stacy (twins- of course), were near us, they automatically clung on to the arms of one of the guys. 

Brandi was the first to speak," Hey boys, I was just talking to the girls about this huge party I'm having at my place Friday, and was wondering if you were all up for it?"

Jake, being the playboy that he is, answered before any of us could even think," Of course, especially if you lady's were going to be there."

Brandi, acting as if she just noticed I was there- I mean come on, it's not like I just zapped here from my planet Zicone, I was here the whole time!- said to me," Sorry, but you can't come. There's a strict no nerds policy." 

Before I could retort, Ash already replied back with," If Belle isn't going to the party, then neither are we," all the guys agreeing with what he said.

Here's the thing, I'm not the party kind of person. I don't drink or do drugs or anything else people my age do. And if I ever do go to a party it's because I'm there to be a D.D. (designated driver) for the guys who would be too wasted to be able to drive themselves home. So really, I wouldn't want to go to Brandi's party even if I was invited, but of course, I have no say in anything I do or don't want.

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