|| 4 || A Normal Glader

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A/N: More high fives if that beautiful boy seems familiar. This chapter's a bit... odd. Nothing like I've ever written before, but strangely fun to write haha enjoy~


You were isolated at a corner of the Hall while the Gladers had their meeting. Minho was telling everyone about the thing he saw in the Maze. Your eyes caught Von's emerald eyes briefly, and he was quick to offer you a small smile.

Apparently, your fate was to be decided tonight as well after their meeting about the creature in the Maze. You looked at them warily.

'It's for you to decide, whether she lives or dies'

Nico said not everyone knows of that little note, but he didn't mention who knew. You sighed deeply. Their meeting was taking a not-so nice turn. Some had started shouting, wanting to be heard, but none of those reached your ears. You were more concerned about their decision about what to do with you. Focusing at the horde of boys in the Homestead, they didn't even seem to have a leader. You snorted at the thought.

Newt managed to calm down the crowd. He had to scream at the top of his lungs to be heard by everyone. The blonde lookeds so done with them, you started to feel bad for him. Minho started speaking. A boy interjected here and there. It seemed like another heated argument was going to errupt.


"You wouldn't shuckin' believe it."

"What did you see?" you asked.

"Wait, hold the hell up, mate," Nico interjected. "You mean, you finally saw something out there?"

"You're not deaf, right?" Minho replied, scowling. "Unless you're stupid and needs everything repeated to you."

Nico just rolled his eyes. Minho stood up and dusted off the dirt from his pants. "I didn't have a good look, but I heard metals wheezing, then this thing just tried to stab me-"

"Stab you?"

"Yes, now shut up and let me finishNo, on a second thought..." He looked at the two guys and continued, "Nico, Von, call everyone. Let's have a meeting about this."

The two boys nodded and went away to gather the Gladers. Minho turned to you, "And you, you're staying with me."


"So what do you know?" he glowered at you.

"For all I know, that thing," he pointed at the Maze, at the creature he saw out there,"Tried to kill me. And you, maybe it's about time that you make yourself useful and live up to that message on the paper." Minho's voice was harsh and sharp. The guy standing before you was so different from the playful and sarcastic Minho that greeted you when you woke up. If you had to choose, the infuriating Minho was better.

"I-I..." you stuttered out, too intimidated to articulate your words properly. His sharp eyes sent chills down your spine.

"What? Still don't know a shuck thing?" you flinched at the accusing tone Minho had. He was looking at you with such great contempt, as if he was blaming you for the creature that attacked him. Tears started brimming your eyes. Were you sent for this reason? To help them survive the Maze that swarmed with those monsters? Even if you tried, nothing came mind about those things. The pressure that Minho's gaze pushed on you made it hard to breathe. Pursing your lips, you tried to hold back the tears. Minho noticed this and backed away, guilt flashing on his dark eyes.

You barely heard the 'sorry' that he mumbled under his breath. He let out a frustrated sigh. Awkward silence followed. You discreetly wiped away the tears from your eyes, while he just silently stood there. Another loud shriek roared from the Maze, only it sounded more distant than the previous one. And by some miracle, your mind was clear.

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