||2|| The Girl Is Not Interested

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"You serious?"

"I've been nothing but serious here,"

"W-what do you mean the first Glader?" you were so confused. What was Minho talking about?

"You've been here longer than any of us," he replied taking a few steps forward. You moved back further which caused him to snicker. Grabbing the knife again seemed so tempting. "And I'm not interested in you that way, okay?"

"The feelings are mutual," you spat. You tried to relax yourself while Minho sat at the edge of your bed, right where Newt sat just a few moments ago.

The two of you looked over to the door when Newt entered the room again. He had some sandwiches and a small canteen,"Here, I bet you're hungry," he said walking over to you and giving the food which you gratefully accepted.

"Thanks, Newt," you said smiling a little. You were only reminded of how empty your stomach felt and how dry your throat was when Newt came in.

"Yeah, but I gotta go again," Newt replied then looked over at Minho, "Everyone's a little excited outside,"

"They're excited because of this girl? Go tell them they'll just be disappointed," Minho snickered. This guy is insufferable.

"Weren't you just as excited?" Newt asked smirking. So everyone's a little excited- as Newt put it- because you were awake. The only girl was awake. Even with everything that's happening, you just ate without any care to the world.

"Ha-ha, as if," Minho replied.

"Anyways, stay here and look after her... It's not buggin' easy to keep all those shanks calm out there."

"Don't tell me everyone stopped working?"

"Well, except the cooks, it's almost time for dinner."

"Oh, go scram then, I'll keep an eye on this shank," the two boys nodded at each other then Newt left the room yet again. Food was more powerful than Minho's presence to you, so you were able to enjoy the sandwiches.

"You were asleep for at least two weeks," Minho said. But you didn't respond for you were still too busy eating your sandwich. "You were asleep right here, in this room when we found you."

You just took a swig of water without saying anything. He can just keep talking, you thought.

"Will you at least respond a little? I'm not fond of having monologues," there was a hint of annoyance in Minho's voice. You locked gazes and he looked like he was expecting you to say something. But you just stared at him. He sighed. "Then I'll just shut up too then,"

You just finished eating when he had his declaration of shutting up. After drinking the rest of your water, you said, "I'll talk,"

He didn't respond.

"Hey," you tried again. Is this guy serious? Minho was seriously being childish. "Minho!" you raised your voice. Finally, he looked at you at the corner of his eye.


"Gosh Minho, I'll talk now, okay? Stop being childish." you said. It was very weird. You two were acting as if you were really good friends when you've known each other for like... A few minutes or so?

Minho fully faced you pulling his leg up on the bed. "There was a note, ____."

You were fully aware that Minho saying your name shouldn't a big deal but you could've sworn, you felt your heart leap when he did.

"What about?" you assumed that this note was very significant.

"It should be there on the table, read it for yourself," he replied. "You do know how to read, right?"

"I'm not illiterate," you rolled your eyes. You couldn't remember much about yourself besides your name but you were sure you were literate. Looking to your left, your eyes landed on a piece of paper peeking beneath a plate. Glancing at Minho for a moment for his confirmation, you took the paper and read it after he did.

If you wish to survive,
Keep her alive.
After you get what you need
It's all up to you to decide,
Whether she lives or dies.

What? Survive? Why in the world would they need to survive? Just what is the Glade? You felt even more confused. Keep her alive. Her. You were the only girl in the Glade(assuming that Minho was telling the truth).

"What even...?" you couldn't even find the right question. What do these guys need from you? Why do they get to decide whether you live or die?

"Do you know anything?" Minho asked.

"Aside from my name and tiny bits of... Memories of scenes that doesn't even help? Oh and some facts and stuff... Well, nothing else," you shrugged. It was strange how at ease you can be when you just woke up with all of your memories swiped up. Maybe it was because you weren't alone when you woke up... That you had someone to greet you (no matter how annoying he was) and you were inside a room. Being inside a room just felt familiar...

"Then what makes you so special?" Minho had turned serious. He didn't sound accusing or whatever, just dead serious. "Why do we need you to survive?"

All of a sudden, you weren't at ease anymore. "I- I don't know..."

Minho heaved a sigh, "Thought so..."

"All I remember is..." you hugged your knees. Who is _____? How is she like? You started to wonder to the kind of life you had led.

"It's the same for everyone here... Don't worry," Minho's voice sounded gentle for a moment there you almost didn't believe it. "Wanna see the Glade?"

"Should I?"

"Why not?" Minho's dark eyes seemed to light up a little.

"Or do you want to spend the rest of the afternoon with me?" a smirk made its way to his lips as he talked, he leaned in a little bit closer to you before adding, "In this room,"--his eyes wandered in the room then landed at you, his smirk widening a little-- "All alone for ourselves..."

"I want to see the Glade," you replied without even thinking. This guy was being too suggestive for Pete's sake!

He chuckled lightly, "Knew that would work," he stood up and looked at you, "Let's go then you shank. Just stick close to me, 'kay?"

"Why would I--"

"Sheesh, I'm already doing you a favor here, just accept it." he rolled his eyes. "You're the only girl here, remember?"

You just glared at him. It didn't feel nice that he was right. If you wanted your tour in the Glade (full of boys), then surely, having someone by your side would make it better. As long as that someone was trustworthy enough, that is.

"Besides, Newt did tell me to look after you," he said. You got up from the bed and carefully walked towards him.

"Didn't Newt also said to stay here?" you asked when you were just a few steps away from him.

Minho just snorted, "So what? You'll see the Glade sooner or later, anyway. And sooner is better," before you could say anything the glint in his eyes changed and that infuriating smirk was back as he said, "Or do you really want to be alone with me in a room that badly?"

"You're so full of yourself," you grumbled walking past him. You stomped away as you exited the room and went downstairs. Minho easily caught up to you, chuckling.

You stopped dead on your tracks when you reached the bottom of the stairs. The room was full of boys talking and laughing... They looked young, like ranging from just fourteen to sixteen years-old. You estimated the number of boys present and there should be like, just fifteen of them which meant there's a lot more outside. And I'm the only female... Maybe, being alone in a room with Minho wasn't really so bad.

"Want to go back to the room?" you heard Minho whisper to your ear his voice frighteningly close that you even felt his lips brush lightly against your ear.

"Yeah," you breathed out before you could even think.

"What?" he sounded genuinely surprised with your answer.

"No!" you shouted shooting a glare at him. Damn it! The word just left your mouth before you could think.

Minho just raised an eyebrow at you crossing his arms, "Do you know how convincing you sound?"

Of course this guy was being sarcastic... And you surely didn't miss that smirk on his face that faded after the second it appeared, "Shut up,"

"No fair Minho!" you heard a boy exclaim. Flinching slightly, you unconsciously took a step backward.

"You're already being the lover boy there, eh?"

"You jealous?" Minho smirked.

"I found the girl first!" said one.

"That girl wouldn't want a shuck-face anyway,"

They kept on bickering about who should get the girl. Slowly, anger and frustration started to replace the fear you were feeling. These boys were just talking there as if you were an object, and as if you weren't there at all. You clenched your fists. How dare they?!

"Hey sweet--" and that was it. You didn't even think anymore. As soon as your eye caught the blade at Minho's back, you unsheathed it and pointed it at the guy who tried to walk towards you.

"Shut up!" you growled. No way were you going to let them treat you like an object. The boy backed away and so did the crowd.

"Wow," Minho muttered. You sent a glare towards him then back to the other boys.

"Stop arguing because the girl isn't interested," you hissed.

"Hey easy there--"

"I said shut up!" before you could even swing the blade, Minho caught your wrist. You sent him a dirty look, but his serious expression surprised you. He looked at you intently with his dark eyes as if telling you to to put the blade down. You got the message but you didn't move at all. Slowly, he put your hand down but didn't let go of your wrist.

Minho turned his attention to the other guys, his grip slightly tightening around your wrist, "That should be enough," his voice was unusually stern.

Without warning he just dragged you and exited the building. Minho was walking too fast; he was dragging you too roughly. You were almost running as he continued to drag you further away from that building.

"Minho!" you uttered his name as a complaint. He stopped abruptly. You pulled your hand away from his grip.

"____," he said as he turned to face you. Minho laid out his palm.

Reluctantly, you put the blade in his hand.

"Good," he said sheathing the blade at his back, "Next time remind me to give you your own so you won't use mine,"

"You'd give me one?" you asked. Having one of your own surely would be more reassuring on your part. After all, it's better safe than sorry when you're in a place full of teenage boys.

"No," he replied flatly.

"Why not?" you frowned.

"Okay, let's see..." Minho said crossing his arms as he narrowed his eyes at you, "You woke up and the first thing you did was point a knife at me. Then, the first thing you did when you saw the other shanks was oh so greatly take my blade and point it at them."

He paused. You had nothing to say. Everything he said was indeed true.

"Now, how about you convince me that you won't commit murder if you were given one?" he asked raising an eyebrow.

"I won't commit murder."

"Convincing," he replied sarcastically rolling his eyes.

"See? I convinced you," you said ignoring the sarcasm in his voice.

He sighed, "Why do you even want one so badly?"

You were just about to open your mouth when he spoke again, "No actually, don't even answer that. Anyways, how about you take a good look around you first?" there was a hint of amusement in his voice as he said the last part which you didn't take as a good sign.

You did as you were told to and looked around you. The Glade looked nice. Bright blue skies, luscious green leaves and very tall walls surrounding it--wait what?

"Wh-what's with those walls?" you asked utterly confused as you stared at the high structures in awe.

"It's the Maze,"

"Maze," you echoed softly. As soon as the word left your mouth, you heard voices speak in your head. You couldn't make out what they were saying as all the voices spoke at the same time. Unbearable pain followed almost immediately after you heard the voices in your head. Clutching your head tightly in your hands, you felt more waves of migraine hit you.

"Hey _____!" Minho was already beside you when he called your name. You leaned against him for support when the pain you were feeling increased.

You only got four words from the countless voices that you heard.

Maze... Grievers... Pattern... Escape...

"_____!" Minho's voice seemed distant even though he was just right there beside you. Everything else felt distant, Minho, the Glade, just everything. But you were sure Minho was just there as you felt his hands hold you firmly.

You could already feel your consciousness slowly slipping away. But before everything went black, you heard a sentence, only consists of three words, loud and clear.

Wicked is good.

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