||3|| Be Careful

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A/N: Apologies for the ahem, long wait... well this chapter's pretty long :'D and the future chapters will prolly be around this length as well... and uhh, there's not much action here but please bear with me uvu" things need to be set-- that aside... I actually just finished The Fever Code recently, I'm glad to see that my original idea can still work out www

(high five to you if that guy seems familiar) 



Everything was blue... cold and wet, then the lack of oxygen hit you. Your hand hit glass when you moved. Looking around, you realized you were in some sort of glass tube filled with blue liquid. You saw people outside your confinement; most of them were wearing lab coats, walking around. Flailing your arms helplessly, you tried getting their attention.  A certain one met your eyes. A male. He seemed to acknowledge your cries for help, but he did nothing.

The next moment, you were lying on something soft. Bright light blinded your vision. You could only make out a blur of few figures hovering over you.


"Your memory will be a bit hazy, but you don't have to worry. You'll have everything necessary stored in the killzone."

Killzone what?


"You are the trigger, ______... For the cure. But you already understand that, right?"

Then the world crumbled and you fell.

"Hey _____!" hearing that voice held you to the ground. Your eyes were then met by Newt's worried face. "Are you alright?"


"Shhh, it's okay... Just take a deep breath."

You did as he said. A dream... So it was all a dream? After a few deep breaths, the warmth of his hands rested on your arms seeped through your skin. The realization made you feel a bit self-conscious. He didn't seem notice your little (not exactly) discomfort and just offered you a soft smile. It made you feel warm inside. Maybe this was how having a brother felt(a good brother, that is).

"Thank you," you mumbled.

He released you and replied, "Don't sweat it. You seemed like you were having a bad dream..."

The mention of bad dream made you avert your gaze. You felt that it wasn't just a bad dream... it felt more of a memory. A disturbing distant memory.

'You are the trigger.'

It didn't seem like a good thing to share.

"Y-Yeah..." you mumbled.

"Let's go ____. Time to start the day." Newt said. He beckoned you to follow him before he left the room. You followed him out the room and down the hallways. The floorboards creaked in almost every step you took. Am I really that heavy or what? Taking in the interior of the building, perhaps it was simply because it was poorly done (and maintained). There were obvious holes in the wall that weren't even patched up properly, like the one who did it just gave up half-way and just covered it with a thick and dark cloth (which was what exactly you were seeing). Your eyes then landed on a room with its door slightly ajar; you took a peek inside. One look and it was easy to recognize it as a storage room. Boxes were stacked up inside, though not completely neatly. On each of them was a word: WICKED.

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