Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: Nessa Pov

Fawn disappeared behind the desk for a moment and came back with her purse and an older lady. “Thank you so much for covering me this afternoon, Louise. I’ll repay you sometime.”

Louise waved her off and said, “Fawn, you deserve to take a break for a bit.” She looked at me. “Make sure she doesn’t come back today. She needs a few hours away from this place.”

“Yes mam.” Fawn followed Robbie and I outside to his truck.

“Where do you want to meet?” Fawn asked.”My car is over there.”

“Where ever you think is the most private. It would probably be better for both of us if nobody overheard this.”

“How about we get ice cream and take it to one of the picnic benches in the park? Afterwards we can go back to my house for dinner and you can see everybody.”

I nodded and Robbie and I got into his truck and he followed her car to the only ice cream shop in town. We ordered our  ice cream and headed to the privacy of the woods nearby where they had picnic benches set up.                 

Fawn sat across from Robbie and me.  “So what is it that you need to tell me?” she asked, taking a big lick from her ice cream cone.

“Fawn, you need to take me seriously. This is a really big deal. Robbie and I want to help, please don’t push us away when I tell you this.” She looked at me solemnly. “A few days ago I began texting Jack., he was telling me about school when he said some of his friends tried to commit suicide. I talked to him about it to fingf out that he tried to do it himself. I told dhim to tell you but he refused. I just think that he didn’t want to disapoint you.” Fawn and I were both crying. I had silent tears, but she was practically sobbing, which was understandable.

Robbie had grabbed my hand as soon as my eyes started to water. He squeezed my hand gently when I told Fawn the hardest part. After I had finished I looked up at him, to see that he had pride in his eyes, pride for me.            

I got up from the table and went to Fawn. I wrapped my arms around her as she sobbed. “You think your child is happy and content, but then you hear something like this and you don’t understand why everything you to them wasn’t enough.”

I glanced at Robbie and our eyes met. “Fawn?” he asked gently. “Would you mind if we took you home?”

She shook her head and dried her tears. “I can  drive,” she said. “I’ll throw this stuff away and you guys can follow me there.” She walked away.

I turned to Robbie. “I think I need to ride with her.”

He nodded. “I thought the same thing.” He placed his hands on my shoulders and kissed my forehead. “I’m so proud of you.” He whispered through the kiss. I hugged him, placing my head on his chest. In his arms I felt completely safe and calm.

When Fawn came back to the table I asked if I could ride with her. She agreed and said it would be nice to talk to someone on the way there. We walked back to the cars and off we were, Robbie driving his truck and Fawn driving her car.

When we pulled out of the ice cream shop Fawn asked, “So, what’s going on between you and Robbie?”

“Nothing is going on!” I said a smidge too quickly. She gave me a ‘don’t you dare mess with me look’. “Well, we are just friends.”

“Do you want to be more?”

“I don’t want to ruin our friendship.” She sighed and patted my knew, much like my grandma used to do when I was little.

“I can see the way he looks at you, you may not see it, but he likes you.”

I scoffed. “I wish. He sees me as a little sister.” I said under my breath.

“You should see the way he looks at you when you arent looking. You wouldn’t think he saw you as a sister if you saw that. So you do admit to wishing he liked you?”

“Yeah, I like him.”

“Are you going to do anything about it?”

“Will ‘I’ll think about it’ satisfy you?”

“No but it will have to do for now because we are here.” She said, pulling into the driveway and parking, Robbie parked behind us and we all got out of the cars at the same time. I heard Robbie come up behind me and I felt his arms snake around my waist and I leaned back against his chest.

I took a deep breath when I saw the front door open. There were nevous butterflies fluttering about in my stomach at the possibility of it being Jack. I could feel my hands start to shake, but I was quite relieved when I saw that it was his younger brother Ty. He ran off of the front porch and straight into his mother;s arms. “Mommy, guess what Jack let me do!” the four year old exclaimed.

“What?” She asked him with a smile on his face.

“He let me go down the big slide at the park all by myself!” Ty smiled brightly as did his mother. Ty had the same smile Jack had when he was little.

“Wow! You are getting to be such a big boy!” She said. Theu started talking a little bit about his dat so I turnedd to look at Robbie. He was already looking at me. I smiled at him.

“Thank you for being here for me,” I said, “It really means a lot. I don’t think I could do this alone.”

“I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

We snapped out of our little world when I heard Jack say, “What are they doing here?” My head snapped over to where Jack was standing. My heart started racing when I saw the anger in his eyes. This was going to be interesting. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2014 ⏰

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