Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:  Vicki’s POV

            “Seuss!” I grinned with the rest of the cast as the very last word of Seussical the Musical was said. The audience stood up with a standing ovation. It was our last night doing this play. I was defiantly going to miss it. I had worked my butt off in preparation for it, so had the rest of the cast, don’t get me wrong.

            The lights went out and the curtain closed for the very last time this week. I took a deep breath and lowered my arms. I was grinning like an idiot, a proud idiot. I was suddenly picked up from behind and spun around. I laughed, knowing it was my best friend JJ. He set me down and I turned around and threw my arms around his neck.

            “Can you believe that your last play is over?” I said into his chest. Being a senior with great grades he was going to a college too far to even help with the next play. But he did promise me that he would be there to see my senior production.

            “No, it sure doesn’t seem like it should be. I can’t wait to get a goodnight’s rest though.” JJ said. 

            I backed out of the hug and nodded. “Ice cream?!?” I asked excitedly. Laughing he nodded. I squealed in delight. “Let me go change and we can go!”

            He laughed again and called after me, “What, you don’t want to go to Mrs. Curls dressed like a bird?”

            I turned around and stuck my tongue out at him. “It’s not like you want to go dressed like an elephant.”  We laughed and hurried to change.

            Once I was in the hallway on the way to the dressing room I was met by JJ’s best friend, Lane. “Great job tonight, Lane.” I said to him.

            He grinned and hugged me. “You did great too, Vikki.”

            “Hey, we should get together sometime this summer and relive Seussical memories.” We smiled and exchanged numbers. “I gotta go,” I said. “JJ promised to take me out for ice cream.” He nodded and we parted ways with a goodnight and a see you later.

            Once I had changed out of my costume and hung it back on the rack I met JJ in the lobby. We were headed to Mrs. Curls, our secret little hideaway. We always went there when we were little and now JJ likes to take me on special trips there when we can get away. JJ had an old beaten up truck that he absolutely loved. It had so many problems and the sides even flapped because it was so rusted.

            We hopped into the old, rusty thing and off we went. When we got to the outdoor ice

 Cream shop, JJ ordered our usuals and I grabbed us a seat by the fountain. He got back quickly and handed me my cone. We were quiet for awhile as he slurped his razzle, and I licked the luscious ice cream that adorned my cone.

            “When do you leave?” I asked quietly. I knew I would miss him. He was the sweetest guy ever. He would always be there for me. I know it sounds silly and cliché but it really was true. Whenever I needed to hear it he would call me beautiful and mean it, without even knowing I needed it. A long time ago Nessa and Robbie, the other part of our group, thought that I should date him. I made silly excuses that his nose was too big or he wasn’t my type, but in reality I would date him in a heartbeat. I was just trying to convince myself not to, I mean I really didn’t want to lose his friendship.

            “July 18th,” he said. “I want to get settled in with my roommate and get into a routine before I actually start my classes. But don’t forget that I live in a coed dorm, which means we could have our usual up all nighters during breaks.”

            I sighed. He would be leaving right after my birthday. I was going to miss him almost too much. I felt my eyes watering. “I’m going to miss you.” I blurted.

            JJ laughed. “It isn’t even graduation yet and you are saying that stupid phase. You will see me all the time. I’m going to be around for the most important parts of your senior year and more. I promise.”

            Trying to stop crying, I wiped my tears and giggle at his comment. “Good. I want you there for all those times. If I don’t have a prom date you wanna go as friends?” I said with a smirk.

            “I see, second best.” He said wiping a fake tear, which sent me into another round of giggles. I stood up and he enveloped me into a hug. I wrapped my arms around him and was almost sent into another round of tears. JJ was like my best friend, when I couldn’t stand anyone in my class then I would be with him giggling and laughing my worries away. I wanted him to stay around here for my senior year, but I am also really proud of him for getting a scholarship to our favorite school. I sound like I have an elementary school girl crush don’t I? Oh well.

“JJ, please don’t go to college and leave me here.”

“I don’t want to go any more than you don’t want me to go. I would love to stay with you but you know I can’t do that. Make more friends. Who knows you might even find someone good around here to date. I just have to approve of them first.”  I giggle again. I seemed to be a bipolar mess all of the sudden. “Come on let’s go home.”We jumped into his old beat up truck and headed to my house. He moved my freshmen year just down the street from me. We had some good times that summer. 

            When we got there he got out and opened my door while I gather my stuff. “You know you do that every time and every time I am going to tell you that you don’t have to.”

            “I am still going to say that I want to, no matter what you say.”

            “Thank you for ice cream and driving me home,” I say when we get to the screen door. I kissed him on the cheek and let myself in as he got back to the truck.

“Goodnight Vikki!” he yelled as he drove past my house.

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