Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: Nessa's POV

            I woke up the next morning still lying on Robbie’s chest. I tried to sit up but the arm that he had around my shoulder last night had slipped around my waist while I was sleeping and kept me where I was now.

I curled back into Robbie and started thinking about everything with Jack. Jack used to be my best friend when we were little. He lived across the street from me. My mom absolutely loved his family. His older sister Tory would give me hand me down expensive clothes that her aunt would buy her but she would never wear. The very last batch she gave me before she left she had accidently slipped Jack’s jacket in. He left before I could give it back. I remember him wearing it almost every day in the winter. It was his favorite jacket and it still smelled like him when I first got it.

When he first left I wore it every waking second. I used it as my pillow, inhaling his scent as I slept. My mom made me wash it after the third week of wearing it. She put it in the wash and washed away his scent. That, other than the memories and the old pictures, was the last real connection I felt I had to him, but it was all washed away in less than an hour.

My human pillow started to move under me, indicating that Robbie was waking up. I turned my face so I was looking at him, most of my upper body still on top of him. His gorgeous green eyes, that where a shade or two darker than mine, sleepily opened. His gaze turned to me and his face produced a sleepy smile.

“How did you sleep?” I asked him.

“Better than I have in awhile,” he said with an adorable morning voice. “How long have you been up?”

“Not too long,” I said. I rolled off of him and he groaned. “Did I hurt you? I’m sorry!” I rushed out.

“No, you didn’t hurt me at all. I groaned because you were warm and now I’m cold.” He gave me puppy dog eyes and I cuddled back up to him laughing. He played with my hair and I rested my head on his chest again, hearing his heartbeat. “How about we watch another movie since you fell asleep during the last one?”

I nodded my head and got up. He groaned again and I laughed. “You were the one who suggested the movie! I’ll be right back.” He got all situated and I started the movie that we had decided to rent on RedBox, which is a dollar renting station that they have outside of drug stores across the U.S.  We had decided to rent the new magicians movie. I think it was called “Now You See Me.” We were too lazy to go to the theatres to see it so we compromised. The opening credits started rolling and I crawled beside Robbie, sitting in the same position that we were in last night.

After the movie Robbie and I were in an excited high. “That was the coolest movie ever!” I said with a massive smile on my face.

“Action/Mystery movies don’t usually keep me guessing but that one sure did.”

“I totally wasn’t expecting the ending to turn out to be the way that it was. The only part that I knew what was going to happen was when the safe was in the store house. That part was predictable.”

“Yeah and why did they have to have the kiss in there? The movie would have been fine without it. I don’t care if it boosts the ratings. It didn’t need to be there.” Robbie complained.

We eventually got into an argument about what the best part of the movie was. Our voices apparently got louder without us realizing it because soon Robbie’s older brother came into the living room and grabbed me and threw me onto Robbie’s bed upstairs. Ricky was like my older brother. He was awesome.

“What was that for?” I complained, standing up on Robbie’s bed.

“That was because you two are obnoxiously loud and annoying and I need my sleep.”

“Don’t you mean your beauty sleep?” Robbie asked from behind Ricky. He was in the doorway. I giggled.

“You should be careful what you say. I can do things to you that I can’t do to Nessa.”

“What do you mean?” Robbie challenged.

“I mean that Nessa may act like family but I can assure you that she doesn’t want to be treated like you are. Plus you are a boy so I can beat you to a pulp and not be jailed for it and I wouldn’t be afraid to.” Ricky said.

Because I was standing on Robbie’s bed I was just a bit taller than Ricky. He was standing with his back to me, the back of his legs almost touching the side of the bed. Robbie continued to taunt him as he made occasional eye contact with me. Eventually, I silently shuffled close enough to Ricky to jump on his back. I nodded at Robbie and jumped onto Ricky.

Ricky let out a surprised shriek, but grabbed my thighs without dropping me. I got to the edge of Robbie’s bed and threw me backwards. I landed safely on the bed with no injuries. “You know the punishment for surprising me like that.”

My eyes grew wide. Ricky had one of two punishments, scaring or tickling. He soon attacked me, his fingers jabbing my sides making me squirm. I was laughing so hard my belly hurt soon. Robbie was standing there laughing at me before joining in with Ricky.

“Stop! Stop!” I shrieked, but to no avail. My belly hurt so badly and I am sure I got a six pack and they were still going! I finally gave Ricky puppy dog eyes and he stopped.

“Stop looking at me like that,” he whined.


“Cuz it makes you too adorable, and not good adorable but the adorable when the Aunties pinch you cheeks and coo at you.” Robbie and I laughed for a moment. Ricky looked at us confused. “What? It is true.” This sent us into another round of hysterics.

When we were finished Robbie said, “You are lucky. The last time she used those puppy dog eyes on my I had to buy her dinner.”

“You know you loved it.” Ricky retaliated. Robbie blushed. Why would Robbie blush at that side comment? Remind me to ask him later. “Well kids, I gotta go to work. Nessa do you need a ride back to your place?”

“That would be great, thanks Ricky.” I grabbed my bags, gave Robbie a hug goodbye and told him we could hang out later, before getting into Ricky’s truck and driving away. 

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