Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: Nessa’s POV

            Robbie and I had been friends for as long as I could remember. He was a year older than me, but as soon as we saw each other, according to our parents, we became best friends. We harmlessly flirt with each other, but it is more banter and teasing rather than flirting. If I need anything at all Robbie would be right there, and I am the same way towards him.

            Unfortunately, our friends have decided that we would be an adorable couple. Because of this it is hard to hang out together, so we spend as much time together as possible out of school. We have even made a tradition to have a movie night at least once a month.

            Our movie nights were my favorite of anything we did together. His favorite movies being either action or horror, I was usually burrowing my face into his shoulder while he silently giggled at me. My favorite being romance, comedy, or the silly kids animated videos, we were either giggling or I had the tissue box out. Most of the time, we sit together on the couch with his arm around my shoulder. If he is feeling really comfortable or is in a really good mood, he will let me stretch out on the couch with my head in his lap. In that case he would run his fingers through my strawberry blond hair, which usually results in me usually falling asleep.

            Tonight we had just finished our movie and he had decided to chat before we put another movie on. My head was in his lap and his fingers were gently running through my hair. My parents were going to a meeting early in the morning so I was staying all night at Robbie’s house. We had our sleeping bags in front of the couch. Nights like tonight didn’t happen very often, but when they did it was really fun. Robbie would usually be in a good mood and we would have really good conversations after movies or before we went to sleep.

            “Robbie, I found Jack’s cell number,” I told him when there was a lull in the conversation. “Do you think I should text him?”

            Robbie knew everything between Jack and me. He knew that I had Jack’s old jacket that his older sister accidentally gave me. He knew that I didn’t believe Jack when he told me that he had a crush on my in second grade. Robbie also knew how much I missed him. Jack had moved away last year during the summer, leaving me nothing but good memories.

            I have had his number for awhile, but I wanted Robbie’s permission to text him. I know it sounds a bit weird, but I would trust Robbie with my life. He is the only one who knows how much I miss Jack and I want him to be with my when I text him.

            He smiled down at me, his fingers still running through my hair. “You should text him,” he said. “Will you let me read it?”

            “Of course,” I said as I grabbed my phone from the floor and texted Jack. *Hey! What’s up? This is your old neighbor Nessa * I showed Robbie and he nodded in approval.

            We started talking about what movie we wanted to watch next when my phone vibrated. *Hey! Haven’t seen you in awhile. How are you doing?* I smiled a little and responded. *Been doing well hbu?*

            Robbie read over my shoulder everything that was said. When I had finished typing he got up and new horror movie he had just bought. I groaned and he grinned. He then turned the lights off for the second time and jumped over the back of the sofa, so he was sitting next to me, arm around my shoulder. I leaned into his side and we started watching commercials.

            *Yeah, I’ve been a bit sick, but I’ve been getting better.* Jack responded.

            *I’m sorry How’s school going?*

            I looked back up at the screen to see The Purge starting. I cringed. I had seen the commercials for this movie. It look terrifying, at least Robbie was here. I could hide in his shoulder.

            *Not good. There have been a lot of problems with bullying towards my friends.*

            *Aww, I’m sorry. What about u though? Are you doing okay?*

            I heard the first scream of the movie and I snuggle closed to Robbie.


            *Jack, what is wrong?*

            *Some of my friends tried to commit suicide a few days ago.*

            I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. “What’s wrong?” Robbie whispered.

            “Jack’s friends tried to commit suicide a few days ago.” I said back.

            “Wow what are you going to say to him?”

            “I don’t know yet.” Robbie nodded and turned back to the movie.

            *Are you okay? Is there anything I can do?*

            *I’m fine it is just hard.*

            We continued to text for awhile. A quarter of the way through the movie that I wasn’t really watching, Robbie shut it off, got off the couch and into his sleeping bag. He seemed to be mad at me.

            “Robbie, what’s the matter?”

            “Nothing,” he answered gruffly.

            “Something is wrong. Was it something I did?” I asked sitting next to where he was laying.

            “It’s stupid. Don’t worry about it.”

            I grabbed that hand that was resting on his sleeping bag and started playing with his fingers. “You’re one of my best friends, you can tell me anything. I want you to tell me anything.”

            “It is really nothing. I was just jealous that Jack was taking up our movie time. We don’t really get to do this much and this is a sleep over! But Jack was taking our rare time together without even knowing it.” He intertwined our fingers while he was talking.       

            I gave his had a squeeze and said, “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize that I was ignoring you.” Robbie scooted over and I crawled into his massive sleeping bag with him. “How about we re-watch the movie now?”

            He smiled and grabbed the remote. He pressed play and rewound it so that I could know what was going on. Robbie sat up and rested his back against the couch. I rested my head on his chest and he snaked his arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer. If anyone were to walk in and not know we were best friends they would probably say that we were a cute couple. With that silly thought I drifted off to sleep. 

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