Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: Nessa’s POV 

            I showered and got ready to face whatever the day threw at me. I got dressed in my favorite tanktop and shorts. I was just starting to jump on my trampoline and get a few of my front tucks when I remembered that I never texted Jack back last night. I finished up my routine and got down. I grabbed a powerade and my phone and jumped back up onto the trampoline.

            *Nessa? You there?* was the last message I had gotten.

            *Sorry Jack. I fell asleep!*

            *Its no problem.*

            *You said you were sick. What did you have?*

            *I had some stomache aches and stuff.*

            *Did you stay home?*


            *Your mom wouldn’t have let you stay home if it was just a stomache ache. What arent you telling me?*



            *I overdosed on Advil.*

            *Jack… Have you told anyone?*

            *No, and I know. I let you down. I let everyone down.*

            * No its not that it is just I wish you would have contacted me or someone else before you tried to kill yourself. We all love you too much to want to see you hurt yourself like this.*

            He didn’t answer. I was about to break down into tears. I couldn’t believe that he was going through this much pain. From what I could tell he was living a perfectly happy life. It seemed like he was happy and that he loved his family. He always seemed put together. It was hard to believe. After him not texting me back for some time I decided to try to get my mind off of the situation. I sent a few texts to my friends, including Robbie to see if we all wanted to go bowling. After awhile it seemed to just be me and Robbie. I sent Robbie a text saying to meet me at my house and we would decide what to do from there.

            Robbie got there quickly. It was nice that he could drive, because I couldn’t yet. The only bad part was my parents were letting Robbie use the nasty old beat up truck that is supposed to be mine until he can save up some money to get his own car. The truck is a rusty heap of junk, to put it nicely. I don’t understand why Robbie refuses to buy anything when he had enough saved up. He always says he wants to wait until I can get my licences before having to buy a car. That way he will have done his research.

            “What’s up?” was what Robbie said when he ploped onto my bed. We have two doors in my house, the front door which everyone uses and my door which Robbie uses. Robbie comes to our house so much that my parents just gave him a key to the door that was closest to my bedroom so if I came back late he could let me in. My parents didn’t really care where I was if I was with Robbie. They would just ask me about it later which was fine with me.

            “Oh, not much. Just found out that Jack tried to overdose on Advil. Nothing important,” I responded sarcastically. Robbie winced.

            “Is he okay now?” He asked, concern streching over his features, from what I could tell for both me and Jack.

            “He told me that he is okay, but I don’t think that he really is.” I said quietly. Robbie scooted from his postion across from me to next to me. He pulled me close to him with the arm that he wrapped around my shoulder. I rested my head on his shoulder. “I just don’t understand. He always seemed so happy.” I confessed my thoughts to Robbie. A tear dripped down my cheek, I couldn’t imagine Jack being in so much pain he would try to kill himself. He always seemed to have a smile on his face and a sparkle in his eye.

            Robbie shirted and looked at me. He brushed the tear of my cheek with his thumb. “Do you want to go see him?” I nodded. “Do you remember how you told me that his mom works at the Inn at the park?” I looked up at him and nodded. “They have a cabin there. We could stay there if we needed to but I think it would help both of you a lot to talk face to face.”

            “Okay, let me check with my mom and see if I have anything going on tomorrow. I think she will be okay with it. I just need to tell her first.” I sighed and got up. Before I left the room I walked back to Robbie and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “Thank you for being here and helping.” I walked out of the room quickly before Robbie could react.

            After a few minutes of explanation and pleading my mom told me to pack an overnight bag just in case and made Robbie promise to take care of me. He did and we were off.  We drove with my British mix playing, Robbie complained until I found the Ed Sheeran part. I think he secretly has a man crush on him, just don’t tell him I said that.

            Robbie and I arrived at the park and got out at the inn. We walked in to the beautiful log cabin style hotel and walked up to the front desk. Right there, at the desk sat Fawn, Jack’s mom.

Knowing that Jack didn’t tell her that he tried to kill himself broke my heart. I couldn’t imagine being in her position, trying to make your son feel better but not know what was wrong. Tears filled my eyes and I tried to calm myself before approaching her. She would instantly know something was wrong if she saw me crying.

            I looked at Robbie and sighed. “Robbie, I don’t think I can do this. I have to do this, but how do I tell a mom that her son tried to commit suicide?”

            Robbie took my hands in his and said, “Nessa, you can do this. I know this will be hard for you to say and for her to hear but this needs to be done. God put you here for such a time as this. He will use you. I’ll be right there if you need me. You can do this.” He kissed my forehead.

             “Stay with me.” I begged. He nodded and we walked hand in hand to the front desk. “Hey Fawn.” I smiled at her trying my best to not let tears cloud my vision.

            “Oh my gosh, Nessa! How are you doing? We have missed you so much.” She smiled and came out from the desk and hugged me, making me momentarily let go of Robbie’s safe hand.

            “I’m doing really well. I need to tell you something though Fawn, it concerns Jack.” I said solemnly and the whole mood changed. 

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