Chapter 6

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Chapter 6:Vikki’s POV 

            When that movie was over I begged the boys to watch Pitch Perfect. JJ agreed to watch immedietly, he had always loved the movie, it was Lane that JJ and I had to convince. He thought it was a cheesy girl movie. We forced him to watch it and he was laughing the entire time. When the final credits roled, JJ and I turned to Lane with knowing smirks. “Okay, it was good.”

            We chilled for a minute before JJ broke the silence. “Well, I best be getting you home Lane, your mom said you had to be back by 2.”

            “This sounds like a date.” I giggled. “Oh my gosh, am I crashing your man-date? I am so sorry.”

            JJ laughed and said, “If anything I’m crashing—” Lane jumped over me and covered JJ’s mouth.

            “Of course you are crashing our date! How could you? Just leave!” Lane said sarcastically. “Ew! Did you just lick my hand?”

            JJ nodded as Lane started wiping his spit infected hand on the couch. “Ew! I don’t want JJ cooties on my couch! Thanks Lane, now I have to wash the couch.” I pretended that I was disgusted and stood up from the couch. JJ just rolled his eyes and stuck out his tongue at me. I shoved him off the couch and he moaned in pain. Lane laughed and stood up. JJ just decided to curl up on the floor. “Um, JJ, aren’t you supposed to be taking Lane home?”

            JJ threw his hand up in the air and said, “Away from me, Peasant. You take him home. I will nap.” I rolled my eyes. Once JJ got into the whole “Peasant” thing he would just grow whiny until he got to sleep. I might as well just take Lane home because it won’t be done otherwise.

            “Come on, Lane. I’ll take you home.” I helped JJ off the floor and onto the couch. I then grabbed his keys (because I didn’t have a car of my own) and kissed his forehead and told him I would be back soon. He just groaned.

            “Why did you offer to take me? Why didn’t you make JJ?” Lane asked when we got to JJ’s truck.

             “Well when JJ gets into his peasant phase he just gets irratable until he gets his way or sleeps. This time instead of arguing with him I just gave him both.”

            “Are you guys dating?” Lane asked curiously.

            I scoffed. “Does it look like we are dating?”

            “Well, yeah a little. I mean you kissed his forehead and told him you would be back soon. Plus, he let you drive his truck, and he doesn’t let anyone drive his truck.”

            “We are not dating. I don’t understand why everyone keeps asking us if we are. We are just best friends. I don’t have feelings for him in that way and neither does he.”

            “Okay, but that leads to my next question.”

            “Ask away.”

            “Would you go out on a date with me?” Lane asked cautiously.

            “I would love to. But could we take it slow?”

            “Yeah of course. Where do you want to go?”

            “You are the guy. You choose and if you really need help check with JJ. Just tell me what to wear.” I said with a smile on my face.

            “Does tomorrow night sound okay?”             We agreed on  tomorrow night and before we knew it we were at Lane’s house. “Can I text you later?”

            “You don’t even have to ask of course!”

            “Good well, talk to you then.” He leaned across the seat and kissed my cheek. I felt myself flush. He got out of the car and right before he went into the door he blew me a kiss. I grinned and blew one back which he “Caught” and “put in his pocket.” After he did that he mouthed “for later”. I laughed and pulled out of the driveway.

            While I was driving I hummed Kiss Me by Ed Sheeran. I was totally lost in my own little world. I practically floated into my house to where JJ was sitting on the couch helping himself to the sweet treats that were all over the table. “What’s wrong with you?” JJ asked when I sat down next to him on the couch.

            I snapped out of my trance and said “Nothing,” quickly.

            “Now I know for sure somethings going on. Come on Vick, fess up.” JJ said, moving closer to me.

            “It doesn’t really matter, JJ.”

            “If you don’t tell me I will call in the big guns and she can make you talk.”

            “Whatever, call Becca. See if I care.”

            “Fine then I will.” JJ picked up his phone of the coffee table and started pushing buttons, no doubt finding Becca’s contact.

            Becca was my best friend from elementary school. She was really my only friend that was a girl. She was the one I complained to about boys or girl things. Unfortunatly for me she could get me to spill everything. She always had been able to. It was really annoying most of the time, especially when you don’t want anyone to know whatever you are trying to not tell.

            JJ put the phone up to his ear and waited a few moments before he chated for a minute and handed the phone to me. “Hello?”

            “Spill,” was all Becca had to say.

            “Umm, I might need your help tomorrow. It may envole clothing, make up and hair.”

            Becca squealed in my ear which caused me to pull the phone away. “You are going on a date arent you?”

            I nodded, but then realized she couldn’t see me. “Yeah,” I said heasitantly. I didn’t want her to freak out again.

            “Oh my gosh! With who? When is your date? I need to be there two hours early so I can help you get ready! This is so exciting!”

            “Lane, some time tomorrow night, come over whenever and I know right?” I answered each question in order.

            “Ooh you and Lane. Youll have to give me deats later! I have to go toodles!” I said goodbye and hung up. I looked at JJ who had a blank look on his face.

            “So you and Lane huh?” He said quietly.  I nodded. The room had suddenly just gotten really quiet and awkward. 

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