First Smoed Practice

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Nicolette POV

So today is Miracle and I's first Smoed practice and everybody is telling us that were going to not be able to handle the conditioning and we know that on CheerHab, Eddie and Orbie said "its got to do with your mental ability not physical," so me and Miracle talked about that and calmed each other down and got into our inner Namaste.

For practice me and Miracle wanted to match so we're wearing our splatter blue Nike pro sports bras, black bedazzled band Nike pros, our matching 'when in doubt double it out' blue and gold bows, and our white cheer shoes with some rocket blast mascara and we were out.

So we just got to the gym and Miracle and I went to the front desk to get our new sports bras and bows even though we can easily get our moms to make the bows cause that's what our moms do for a living. She said our moms already payed for the outfit and sports bras and bows then she gave us all the spirit wear as well.

So we walked into the area where the Smoed members practice and we went to where Gabi is cause shes the only one we know that's around our age besides Jenee and Madi. Eddie and Orbie came in and hugged us and said how glad they were to have us here. They said after conditioning they would let us show off our skills we said "Okay" and went to get in line for conditioning everybody was asking if we were nervous Miracle said yes, but my nerves haven't gotten to me yet so I said no.

So we just finished conditioning Miracle just struggled with the bear crawls, but she was never good with that stuff, and I just struggled with some of the ab workouts. I drank my water not out of breath like a lot of them were. Eddie and Orbie were shocked at me and Miracle. They said it was time for us to show off.

So we made a routine before we got here in our room and we bumped hips then got in place. We put in our CD that we edited to our names like cheer routine music. We asked Jenee to press play and she did so me and Miracle immediately started we looked up and we did 2 back handsprings whip whip full whip double. Then we did 3 pikes 4 toe touches which are legs can go above our heads and a double full. Then we got into stunts which is one mans for us In was in the air first so I did a round off back handspring into her hands and she doubled me up,I went into an arabesque into an over extended bow and arrow, I got into a heel stretch tick toked into my left heel stretch then did my needle over extended, then she bent down threw me in the air and I did a kick double kick double and landed on the ground with her hands on my waist then she threw me up again and I did a back tuck into her hands up into a handstand then I got up into lib and tick toked then she just cradle me down then we started our tumbling passes. Mine was punch front round off back handspring, whip, whip, double back handspring, full, double, whip, double, kick double. Miracles was a round off back handspring, whip, whip, full, double, punch front back handspring, whip, whip, whip, full, full, whip, double back tuck. Then went to the middle of the mat and I got ready to stunt Miracle she got up and she did the exact thing as me except she just did a kick full into the ground for the last throw instead of a cradle. Then to end the routine we got to the front of the mat and did a standing DOUBLE full that nobody on Smoed could do then got down our knees doing the Smoed signed to end it.

We were standing there for a good 5 minutes in silence till Eddie and Orbie.

"Damn! The hell that was amazing a standing double full and the one man stunting was perfect!" Orbie yelled flabbergasted

Then everybody came up to us cheering and asking how we did that we just shrugged and then the coaches broke it up and we started learning the routine for NCA which is in 3 months!Then Micheal Eddie came to me and whispered good job in my ear and I shivered hes 17, 2 years older that me but not for long I'm turning 16 in December and its November! Yea I'm in a different grade then Miracle she just turned 15. So Eddie and Orbie said for the beginning of the routine Miracle and I would be holding hands then would do the Smoed sign and do our standing double fulls to start off with a bang then they would let us keep our tumbling passes for one man stunting he wanted us to go with one of the guys I picked Micheal Eddie she tried to pick Cameron but he already one manned Gabi so she went to Robert instead, but she was still happy. Then when everybody was doing there tumbling passes I'm going to be in the back doing my one man stunt with Miracle and switch my kick double kick double with my lib tick toks. Then me and Miracle would run to the front of the mats and do our tumbling passes going opposite ways.

Then the day was over after 8 hours of practice we got in the van and went to our temporary home.

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I'm trying to find a picture of what the girls look like.

You can find their outfits on polyvore my account is corbin~reeves

See you soon,


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