What Do You Want

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Nicolette POV

I'm in my car right now. It's a week after the incident, but I was doing great before something happened this morning which is why I'm in the car. MichealEddie texted me wanting to meet up at a café. I'm scared I don't know why, but I am. I haven't told Cameron which I'm scared about that too.

At the Cafe

I'm sitting at the cafe and I got here about 30 minutes early so I wanted to be basic and did an #ootd in the cafe bathroom mirror.

I'm wearing a cropped adidas sweatshirt, white ripped jeans, and my black yeezys. My hair is lightly curled and a black beanie, my makeup is just false eyelashes and a matte orangey red color lip.

I walked out of the bathroom got a drink and sat back down scrolling through my
phone. Then somebody tapped my shoulder it was nobody other than MichealEddie. He gestured that he wanted to hug me but I just smiled a bit. He sat down.

"I need to tell you something," he said while fondling with his fingers.

"What" I said while crossing my arms.

"I broke up with Miracle."

"You what?!" I yelled making everybody look at me. "Sorry."

"Why did you do that," I whisper yelled

"Ever since I saw you that day I knew I was still in love with you," he said smiling

"MichealEddie I'm getting married to Cameron I love him and he was there for me when I need you and he treated me way better!" I started getting riled up

"You think I didn't wanna be there Miracle was blackmailing me! I wanted to go to you!" then he walked out.

Guessing he expected me to follow him I did. I followed him to what I guess was his house. He walked to the door.

"This was the house that I had built for us, now leave," he yelled

I was shocked and just walked back he had a house built for us. I'm still in love with him, but I love Cameron more.

Sorry for the wait!

See you soon,

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