Chapter 13

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"You what?!" She yells, making me jump.

"I talked to Gaygge and my mom at the store, they didn't follow me or anything, i just ran, wasting a good jar of sweet pickles!" I yell, tears streaming down my face.

"You idiot!!" She yells at me. I sprint and crawl through the vents as fast as I could.

"It wasn't my fault!" I yell back, running through Ballora Gallery. I run into the Breaker Room and slam the door closed, locking it. I go to the farthest corner and curl up into a ball, starting to cry.

"Cetahrre! Open the door!" Foxy yells on the other side, banging on the door.

I heard a bang and a whimper then Baby saying, "Open the door Cetahrre, it's ok.."

"No!" I yell, putting my hood over my head.

"Please.." She says calmly. I shake my head like she can see me and she walks away.

"Cetahrre.." Bon-Bon says.

"Go away.." I mumble.

"I can't exactly open the door.


"You locked me in here."

"Uhh.. Just you!?"

"No, Freddy's here too, we were talking and you ran in, so we didn't want to disturb you." She says calmly.

I look down at the bunny puppet, "And where is Freddy?"

"H-here.." Freddy says, stepping out of the shadows. I felt a shower of relief and anger at the same time, but I get up and sprint to Freddy, hugging him.


"Shh.." I shoosh him, ignoring the throbbing pain all over me. He puts his arms around me and we stand there for a good minute until i let go, "I love you Freddy..." I mumble, walking past him and opening the door to leave.

"What's wrong Cetahrre?" Ballora asks me when I walk out of the breaker room. I sniffle,

"I saw my brother right? And I told Foxy and she yelled at me.."

"Uh, that jerk." Baby mumbles from Ballora's stage.

"Yeah, I thought we already told you, ignore her." Electrobab says, playfully punching me in the arm.

I pick up the small animatronic and hug him, "I don't care.. I just miss my brothers.. Especially Gaygge.."

"Well, we can't bring you back now, it's been ten years kid, you will be questioned, we will probably be shut down forever.. There's already another location being built and I don't think we'll be here for another year.." Bon-Bon says.

"What!? I didn't know that!" They all lower their heads in defeat, "I'm not letting you be shut down and replaced!"

"There's nothing you can do Cetahrre.." Electrobab says in my arms.

"I'm getting you guys out of here, no matter how hard it is!" I yell, scaring him, "Sorry.." I mumble to him.


"I don't care if you refuse, I'm getting you guys out of here.."

"And how are you going to do that?" Foxy asks from the vent.

"Since you can turn into a freaking human, why can't you just walk out like a person and stay like that?"

"We thought of that before, it won't work, once all of us are out, the police are called and yeah.." Bon-Bon says.

"Well, if we work fast.."

"No, we can't.." Baby says.

"I agree, I want to get out instead of getting destroyed." Foxy says, agreeing with me.

"S-same.." Freddy mumbles, with Bon-Bon nodding next to him.

"Ok! Let's go now!" I yell, picking up my bag full of stuff and crawling through the vents. When I get to the exit, I find them all by the door. "Is there anything else you need to tell me?" I ask them before I walk out to start the truck.

"Yeah, there's a tracking device in our arms, deep in our arms." Baby says, picking up Electrobab.

I nod, "Shift into your human forms, I'll be right back." They all look at me run and get the medical gear, "Ok, who's first?"

"Cetahrre, this won't work."

"Trust me, it will.. Foxy, since you claim to be the toughest, why don't you go first?"

She chuckles and walks over to me, "Fine."

"Give me the arm that it's in"

She gives me her left arm and points to the middle, between her hand and elbow, "It's somewhere in that area."

"Somewhere.." I repeat, pulling out a scalpel.

"Brace yourself.." I mumble before I cut a slit in that area.

She bites her lip to hold in any cried and I snicker, "Shut up, it hurts. I bet you never had anyone dig in your freaking arm with some tweezers."

"Yes I did actually, but in my chin." I say, pointing to my scar on my face, "Fell off my bike, rocks were in it, lucky I didn't need stitches."

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