Chapter 5

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I walk out of the bathroom and I find them all sitting at one of the tables, "Uh, hi?" I say, walking over to them.

"Hi Cetahrre! Come sit over here" Baby says, patting a chair between her and Funtime Freddy. I sit down in the chair and look at them, "So.."

"We are all going to look around the restaurant and see if we can find anything."

"What if u forget that I'm here and try to kill me!?" I say louder than expected.

"It's ok, if one of us forgets and attacks u, just scream for help." Foxy says, smirking.

I scoot backwards in the chair, "Can I just stay with one of u guys, not Foxy?"

"I-its ok Ceta-Cetahrre, she's jus-just kidding." Freddy says, smiling at me.

"She better be." I say, staring at her.

She snickers, "Ya know, I can't take u seriously, you're like a toddler right?"

"Six isn't a toddler." I say, crossing my arms, "Can we go now?" I ask.

"Sure, you can go with Freddy and Bon-Bon." Baby says.

I look at him and he smiles, "Yay!" They say in harmony.

"Just look for food that isn't pizza, cushioning for sleep, and.." Baby starts

"Blankets!" I say, excited to explore the abandoned restaurant.

"Ok, let's go!" Ballora says, with the same energy as me.

I get up from chair and follow Freddy, "So, where do u wanna look first?" I ask them.

"We could check the kitchen for food" Bon-Bon says.

"Ok." I say, shrugging.

They enter the kitchen and I followed them, "When was the last time you were open?" I ask.

"L-last week." Freddy answers, starting to look in the cabinets.

I open the fridge, "What happened?" I ask, grabbing a box of strawberries.

"Afton's daughter, who made us and this restaurant, got murdered." Bon-Bon answers.

"Who killed her?" I ask, looking for the expiration date.

"Circus Baby.." She says.

I bite my lip, they are killing machines.. "Um.. How exactly did she kill her..?" I ask trying to sound calm, I don't feel safe around them anymore. Freddy only had a tank, right?

"She wasn't 'herself' and lured her with ice cream, she has an ice cream maker inside her, and a claw came out and grabbed his daughter, turning Baby's eyes green, the same color as his daughters."

"Oh.. I found some strawberries.." I say, changing the conversation.

"C-cool! Any-anything else?" Freddy asks.

"Some frozen pizza, pasta, and a few jugs of soda and milk."

"How long will that last u?"

"A few days." I reply, walking out.
"Oh.." Freddy says, following me.

"Yeah, so useful." I say sarcastically.

"Oh no.." Freddy mumbles.

"Did I just hear a sarcastic comment?!" Foxy says, sliding in front of me from a hall.

"Yup." Bon-Bon answers, crossing her arms.

"Kid, if u stay with us, you will pick up lots of things, like my sarcasm, Freddy's childish acts, Ballora's dancing skills, Bon-Bons mischief skills and Baby's friendliness."

"Pfft, let's see if ur right." I say, crossing my arms.

"Oh, I KNOW I'm right, deal?" She says, holding out her pink and white hands with pink nail polish.

I was about to shake before Baby pops out from another hallway, "She is usually right, I wouldn't shake on it."

"Yeah, I did it before.." Ballora starts, "It didn't end well."

"What could happen, it's not that bad."

"It's your choice kid." Bon-Bon says.


"I'm waiting." Foxy says, tapping her foot rapidly.

"Fine, but what happens if I'm wrong?"

"If you're wrong, you have to.." She bites her lip, pausing.

"I'll have to?"

"You'll have to manage to steal a whole cart of food at the grocery store."

"F-Foxy!" Freddy yells behind me.

I smirk, "And if I win, you will have to do the girliest dance ever."

"Deal." She says, shaking my hand.

"Will u remember?" I ask, sliding my hands in my pockets.

She taps her metal head, "I'm an animatronic, I'll obviously remember. I can't wait to see you steal that food in a few years." She says, walking away, "Oh, and here's your cushioning." She shoves an air mattress in my arms and walks away with Funtime Freddy.

"Op, guess we'll have to deal with the cops in a few years." Baby says, laughing.

"You're jinxing my luck!" I yell.

She pats my head, "You won't win, it's true."

"Cetahrre, c'mon" Ballora says, motioning me to her stage.

I climb on, "Do u think I'll win Ballora?" I ask her as we descend deep under.

She laughs, "Of course not sweetie, Foxy never loses at bets." 

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