Chapter 12

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"So, how are you going to park?"

"They think I'm 'trespassing' a private property, but I'm not.. So maybe.."

"Maybe we can get everyone else to quickly unload the truck then you can go back to being an animatronic, then you can go in the back and I'll be driving."

"Ok.. What's your lie going to be?"

I bite my lip and tap my foot, "I'm sorry Mr. Police, I thought you were chasing me so I took a shortcut to my job, which is here. I needed to repair Foxy, she was all over the place."

"Good, you learned good my child."

"Shut up!" I yell playfully.

"Ok, Now!!" She says to me, getting out and putting the food inside.

I jump out of the back, "Do you have something that I can use to tell them? Instead of going down."

"Yeah, just use the intercom type thing."

I run into the office and pick up the phone thing, "Guys, it's me Cetahrre, c'mon, we need you up here now!"

"Good job." Foxy says as I run out and get some groceries. I nod and jump into the front seat, realizing the police caught up.

"Get in and close it!" I whisper yell to Foxy. She nods and goes back to being an animatronic, jumping into the back and closing the door. The police cars slow down and stop around the pickup truck. One opens the door and walks over to me, he had dark brown hair that was cut short, dark skin, and a normal police uniform that was normal for the city.

He lowers his sunglasses and looks at me, "You were going way over the speed limit ma'am."

"I know, I-i just thought you were chasing me and I took a shortcut to go back to here, which is my job, I had to get some repair stuff and a couple snacks."

"According to my witnesses, you stole a shopping cart full of food and drove off, there was a furry with you that looked exactly like that animatronic." He says, pointing to Foxy in the back.

"I didn't do that though, I needed to repair Foxy, she was nonfunctioning. You don't want to rent an animatronic that might harm your child right?"

"Well, yeah, but.. Nevermind, let me just check it first." He says, opening the back and climbing on. I get out of the truck and watch as he checks her, "Uh, Foxy is a girl by the way.."

"Uh huh, what's this for?" He asks, tapping on her speaker on her chest.

"Oh, just her speaker, when she, uh talks, it comes out from there and her mouth copy's."

He nods, "Show me, I never heard of this.." He looks at the sign, "Circus Baby's Pizza World."

"Oh, this originally was a restaurant, but there was an incident so they just became rentals."

"Show me..?"

"Oh yeah.." I climb onto the bed of the vehicle and scoot over to Foxy, "So if you do this.." I pretend to flip a switch on her back, "Then hit her gently in the arm, then she'll turn on."

Foxy got the message and pretended to be in the middle of a show, "Hi Kids! I'm Foxy the Fox, and that's Freddy!"

"Who's Freddy?" The officer asks during Foxy's 'show'

"oh, just another Animatronic." He nods and looks back at Foxy. She glances at me and I nod, mouthing, 'Pretend to break down..'

"Grab a frien-----" She winks at me and starts pretend break down.

The officer gasps and looks at me, "Oh.. Something must be wrong." I gently bang on her a few times and she 'turns off'

"Ok, we must've mistaken you for another person, i am very sorry." He says, sliding off the bed and I follow.

"It's ok, I just.."

"I'll let you off the hook this time, ok?" He says, walking back to his vehicle.

"Ok." He waves his hands and gets into the car, driving away.

I wait until everyone is long gone and I look at Foxy, "K, you can stop pretending."

She climbs out and closes the door, "K, let's go!" I sigh, but follow.

"What's wrong?" She asks as we go down on the stage.

"Oh.. Just.. I met my brother.."


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