Chapter Seven

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It was now time for our first day of school. I wasn't quite sure if or not I should be more excited or scared.

It's the forth year, and I'm only joining now. Everybody has already made their friendship groups, and got used to everything- not to mention they've been here for the past 3 years. I'm not going to fit in anywhere.

I've got to be the only 4th year to be a new student. I even have to get sorted in front of everyone, what am I suppose to do if I don't get Gryffindor? Hermione told me all about the Slytherins and how cruel they are, what if I turn out to be one?

Draco is one, apparently, and I guess I get along with him, some-what, but I love Hermione, Ron, Fred, George and Harry. I just know they'd hate me if I turned out to be a snake.

"Are you getting ready Imogen, we only have an hour until we leave?" Hermione shakes me slightly, clearly thinking I'm asleep.

"Yeah I'm awake, and it's all good, I packed everything last night, all I have to do is put on the clothes I left out." I smile sadly, I don't want to admit that I'm scared of loosing the friends I've only just made, but I can't help but feel the need to. At least let someone know anyway, and Hermione is the person I'm most close with.

"Are you okay, you look upset?" She frowns and sits beside me, she was already dressed in a grey/blue shirt, with a grey and pink stripy jacket over the top. Paired with some jeans and a pair of trousers, her hair down with two plaits pinned up at the side.

"I'm fine, I was just wondering what would happen if I don't get placed in Gryffindor. I don't want to loose any of you and I feel like I will, especially if I'm a Slytherin." I shrug and go to carry on speaking but she just pulls me into a hug and laughs.

"Imi, we love you for you. Who cares what house you are." She laughs some more, well, I'm glad my sadness humours you.

"Aw. I love you too." I say and hug back, she really is the sweetest person ever. I'm glad she's my bestfriend.

"Now." She says standing up, "Go into the bathroom and get ready, I don't want to be late."

"Okay mum." I take her orders and do as told, she was really sweet but also really scary at times.


Now dressed, I walk town stairs to get my breakfast, most people were either ready to go, or just finishing their food. Myself, however, decided that seeing as it is the first day I am going to make an effort and put some make up on. After all first impressions mean a lot.

However with the clothes I decided to put on for the train, you wouldn't think so much that I cared about my appearance. I decided to put on some plain white trainers, red joggers and a white crop top, with a cardigan to go over the top. I only chose this because it was both warm, and comfortable, I was changing on the train anyway so it's not like many people would see me.

"How do you look good wearing that?" Hermione groans causing me to chuckle, she really doesn't understand how pretty she is.

"What you trying to say about my clothes?" I fake hurt, making her roll her eyes.

Hurriedly, I eat some food and drink the glass of juice, I don't really plan on making everybody late. So I scoffed it town and in no time was finished just as we were about to leave. Perfect timing if I do say so myself.

We all seem to be driving to the station (train station) as you can not get onto the platform by apparition or the floo network, so the 'muggle' (a slang term magic people use to describe non magic folk) way is our only option.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2018 ⏰

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