Chapter Two

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BIRTHDAY SURPRISE ❅♢◆●≈≈≈≈≈◎≈≈≈≈≈●◆♢❅

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After an hour of getting changed and more explanations about the current occurrences, we arrived at a different house containing a large red headed family, I didn't see how this had much relevance to me but I was told there is something here waiting for me.

The house was rather small but at the same time large, it  was definitely long, but rather cramped at the same time. The one thing it had more so then any other place I have before been is the homely sense, it was a place where you wanted to be. It was cosy, relaxing, it looked messy sometimes and a lot seemed to be happening but it was full of happiness and love, you can't find that everywhere anymore.

"Hello, darling." An older women, with bright red hair called to me. She was clearly the mother, she was rushing around the place cooking breakfast, and she looked incredibly worn out, by the looks of it she'd just tidied the whole house.

"Hi. I'm Imogen." I greeted her, she seemed like a nice women. I was wondering why she was cooking so much though, I knew she had a large family, but this is a lot, I didn't realise we too were stopping for food.

"Trust me, I know exactly who you are! And it's a pleasure to meet you!" Taken aback by her small outburst I was left slightly in shock, I'm not sure how I should know this women. Maybe she's one of those people I met whilst I was younger but have no clue who she is now.

Maybe she's a distant cousin.

"Thank you, you too." I smile and take a seat next to a girl maybe a bit younger than me, she also had red hair so she much of been the women's (who I learnt name was Molly.) she seemed kind enough, wasn't very chatty though, it was actually very awkward.

After a few minutes of uncomfortable sitting (notice how I mention sitting, because no speech was involved) Dumbledore just got up and left, said a quick goodbye then left me alone with a variety of people I'd never met before.

Then, to make the situation a lot worse, more people came running down the stairs. And when I say a few popped out, I mean five, five more completely unfamiliar people were stood starring at me because that had no clue who I was, just as I were doing to them.

Except this time two of the people looked separate from the family, not sharing the common ginger hair trait. Instead the girl had light brown curly hair, and the boy had short dark brown hair.

"Oh good, you're all down here! Now children, this is Imogen, she'll be staying with us until we go back to school, be nice to her, she's only just found out she's a witch. Harry, Imogen, I need to speak with you both in the kitchen after everybody has finished eating." Molly told all of us, she obviously expected everyone would introduce me to themselves individually.

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