Chapter One

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 BIRTHDAY WISHES ❅♢◆●≈≈≈≈≈◎≈≈≈≈≈●◆♢❅iMessage (4)

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iMessage (4)

Jodie Oi

Jodie You coming out?

Jodie Sams coming..

Jodie Take that as a NOOO then

Taking the phone out of my pocket I take a moment to read the messages left by my dear, dear friend, Jodie. A girl who can be although very kind and caring; very annoying. To put it simply. I'd already told her constantly I wouldn't be able to make it out today, because it's my birthday (somehow, in her mind that means alcohol, which means definitely come out). Despite our great friendship, we really are nothing alike. Alcohol? When you're 14? Admittedly she is a year older than me, it's just not really relevant though is it. 14 (or 15) are not ages to be drinking at! Drinking is bad full stop. 

I decide to ignore her message, today is my birthday and I can't be bothered to talk to her, or anyone else for that matter. Therefore ignoring my 142 snapchats which are quite possibly a mixture of 'streaks' and 'happy birthdays'.

Every year on my birthday my grand father comes round, we have a chat, and then he leaves. I get to see him rarely, I used to live with him, but when I turned 11 I had to move, that's when the visits became less frequent. Now I live with foster parents, don't get me wrong, they're lovely. But it's not the same. They hardly let me out, which I don't mind that much but can sometimes get a bit annoying. Last year was the worst, I couldn't go anywhere, they even walked me to and from school.

I even had to start seeing this man because they believed I was being followed, I told them it was just a dog but they wouldn't believe me. I'd seen the dog so many times a that point, I wasn't worried, it even let me stoke it. I didn't understand what the big deal was, it's gone now though. Probably moved. Nothing stays for long anymore.

I was getting ready for my meeting with grand father, I was told he had a very important gift for me this year. Even more exciting than the others.

My grand father was a genius, he always had these gifts for me that could do the most extraordinary things, one year I was given a 'potion set' and the potions actually worked! They made small explosions and weird noises, they were honestly great!

Making my way down stairs I greeted my foster parents to then place myself in the living room where I was to await his arrival.

31st July

I checked my phone date. Is it strange that this day itself feels so important to me, like beyond the idea of it just being a birthday. I feel like something really is going to happen, change.

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