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  When I finally woke up from my sleep, the sun was high in the sky, with hybrids rushing about all around me. Witch hybrids were busy healing other hybrids that they weren't able to get to the night before. Others... from what I could see, were huddled together, holding onto each other as soft cries echoed throughout the clearing. I sat up, holding onto my injured shoulder and whimpered softly, a dull throb still sitting in my head. My thoughts wandered back to last night, and my eyes watered up as I thought of Raven. Her body being flung forward as the explosion hit. There's no way she could've survived that...  

I felt a weight on my shoulders and I looked up to see Juli staring back at me. She had a dark purple bruise forming on her left cheek and she had some hair pinned back to keep it from irritating a few gashes on her forehead. Dried blood was flaking off different parts of her face and arms but she didn't seem to notice.

"Where's Raven?" she asked me and I looked down,
"She didn't make it. First, she was shot by what she told me was an arrow and when that first explosion happened..." my throat tightened up and I swallowed, tears silently sliding down my cheeks, "She was right in front of it. It hit her full force..." I whimpered and her eyes widened. Juli pushed off of me and backed up, eyes already spilling over with tears.

"How are we going to tell Owen...?" she asked me softly and I shrugged,
"I don't know.." I whimpered and wiped my eyes, shaking my head, "He's not going to take this nicely. They were so close, and now she's gone.."

"Who's gone?" I froze at the sound of his voice and I slouched forward, all the energy draining from my body.
I turned to look up at Owen. He looked down at us, concern etched into his face. We stayed silent and he spoke again, "Who's gone, Tally? Juli? Who?" his voice cracked and I swallowed, pushing myself up on shaky legs. I grabbed onto him and he helped hold me up as I took another shaky breath, looking down at Juli before making myself look at him.
"It's Raven.." I mumbled, wiping my eyes once more, ".. the first explosion killed her. She was already weakened from an arrow shot.. I'm sorry.."

His grip on me tightened so much that I cried out in pain and had to pry his fingers off of me. His body was trembling and he fell to the ground, sobs racking throughout his body. I felt my heart break as I watched him cry and I leaned down next to him, wrapping my arms around him.

I'm not sure how long we sat there, but he eventually looked up at me and lightly removed my arms from him. His voice was hard and sharp when he spoke, "I swear... I'm going to kill whoever did this."

All I could manage was a nod.

At some point in the day, Endermen hybrids started to bring back bodies from our old hideout. I couldn't hold back the whimper that tore through me as I noticed just how many of us were dead. I skimmed over most of the dead hybrids laid out in the middle of the clearing and squeezed my eyes shut as my gaze landed on one hybrid in particular. Dean..

I looked over him quickly, noticing how his white blazer and shirt were stained a dark red. I stumbled over to him and sat next to his body, pulling his head onto my lap as I brushed some ebony hair out of his open smoke grey eyes. I felt my own sob crawl up my throat and I shook my head. I can't cry. I forced myself to look down at his empty eyes and I whimpered involuntarily. He was such a nice guy. He didn't deserve this fate. None of these hybrids did. They all should've had long full lives. But instead...

Anger bubbled up inside of me and I clenched my fist that was holding onto his blood stained blazer. I looked down at his right hand and noticed a smooth wooden ring circling his middle finger. It too, was stained darker from the blood.
"I hope you don't mind me taking this, Dean.. I'd like something to remember you by.." I mumbled softly as I looked down at him before lightly slipping the ring off of his finger and placing it on my middle finger of my right hand. Leaning forward, I placed a light kiss on his forehead before brushing some hair away from his freckle covered face again before slipping out from beneath his head and lightly laying it down onto the grass. I sniffled and toyed with the ring on my finger. My gaze quickly landed on Spencer's still figure and I couldn't help but feel grief. His hat was gone and his navy blue sweater and black hair were soaked with blood; I noticed Cilia shaking at his side as she laid her hands over his chest.
Hours passed by, the Endermen hybrids still bringing in bodies. I was sitting beside a tree, holding my head in my bloodied hands. I had been told that Raven's body was brought in a while ago, but I couldn't make myself walk over over to her. I felt numb. Why couldn't this just all.. All just be a bad dream? Why can't I just wake up in a bed and find everyone alive again. There'd be no need for all this pain.

Part Blaze (Rewrite for Cshygamer/Greenshi)Where stories live. Discover now