2/ Chapter Fifteen

Start from the beginning

"I had just got her calmed down from crying. I forgot to burp her after her bedtime bottle, and she woke up with an upset stomach. Before she went to bed again, I went to make her a bottle. I tried to set her in her highchair but she just fussed, and then bit me. I was just so tired and frustrated with myself, I took it out on her." She pauses for a moment. "But, Harry, I promise, I wasn't thinking straight. I should've asked you first, I'm sorry!" (N- when I was typing 'you', it auto-corrected to 'OJ', so it said, "I should've asked OJ first lol)

I nod my head. I somewhat understand her reasoning, but I still don't think she should've done it. However, that was her first time parenting in two-almost three-years. This was just one slip-up. I have to be forgiving and patient if we're ever going to make this work.

"Hey, I know that this was just a one-time thing. It's not going to happen again, right?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. She nods slowly, but her face tells me she's unsure. "Grace, when you're a parent, you're no-doubt going to make mistakes. It's just not something you can help. But if we're ever going to make this work, we have to communicate and work together. Parenting isn't just 'one parent does everything', well, unless you're single. But, that's beside the point. It's teamwork. So, we have to try to work together in this. Okay?" I explain. She nods for a minute before she buries her face in her hands with a big sigh.

"I just, I feel so lost in this. I feel like I have no idea what I'm doing." She explains. "Which is why. . .I don't think I'm ready for this kind of responsibility." Woah, wait a minute. I was not expecting that. I really thought she was going to make an effort to try to be with Hazel, her own daughter! And now she's just throwing it away?! That's not something I feel like she would do. Something's not right in this.

"No, Grace. I don't think you know what you're saying. You can be a mother again! Isn't that cool?! With your daughter! Don't you want that? I know I would. I don't think you really understand what you're saying." I rage, using my hands for emphasis. But she just shakes her head, not convinced.

"Harry, you don't understand. I know it may not always look like it, but I really don't think I'm in any condition to be a full-time, or even part-time mum. I have drinking problems. And, after my breakup with Dylan, I even got into drugs. Sometimes I still get tempted to do them today. Believe me, I would love more than anything to be a mum, but I feel like I need to take care of myself before I become responsible for another human being." She says.

Well, I guess it would make sense. She may even be making the best choice for herself. She knows herself best, so she knows what she has to do. I just don't believe she would pass an opprotunity like this. Hazel's only little once. Who knows, by the time Grace is ready Hazel might be a teenager. She'll go to school, do sports, have friends. Though, she won't have any boyfriends because I'm never letting my little girl date anyone.

"Also," She adds. "Dylan called me today saying that he wants to meet up again and talk." She explains nervously. At this, my mouth drops down.

2 days ago. Grace's POV

I sit in my trashed apartment, flipping through a Victoria's Secret magazine, looking through clothes I wish I could afford. I really need to clean this place, but I just haven't had the time. I work as a waitress at a restaurant only about two blocks from here. I've been working full-time. It's exhausting, but pays the bills and puts food on the table, so it's okay. When I'm not working, I'm either at a bar, eating, sleeping, or watching films.

Although, for these past few weeks, I've really been thinking about what I'm going to do about Hazel and Harry. I'm not sure if I'm ready for that kind of commitment. Plus, I feel like if I go back into this again, I won't be able to back out, because I would just break Hazel and Harry's hearts.

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