Chapter Sixty | Hogwarts, May 2 1998

Start from the beginning

“Fine she huffed.” Crossing her arms “Lovely wedding night, don’t you think?”

Chuckling, Charlie pulled her close and kissed her hard and fierce, hand resting on the bump that was his baby. “I’ll make it up to you, just…be safe, okay?”

Andrew tugged her away from her new husband “Come on Sonia, I’ll take you.”

The twins left Charlie, Sonia holding tightly to her brothers arm.

“If I ever have a son,” she said as they neared the room of requirement “I hope he’s a lot like you.”

Andrew chuckled “What, nerdy and awkward?”

“Yes.” She said “And sweet and a guy who loves his mother, not like me – you always took care of Mamma, and I … I was horrible. What if my kid hates me too?”

“They’ll love you, don’t worry Sunny.” He reassured her “Now go on, I’ll come back for you later.”

Standing in front of the doors, Sonia stared at her brother for a second, then launched herself at him. “I love you Andy, I really do.” She said “Thank you for being such a good brother.”

“Love you, too.” He whispered “Now go take care of yourself.”

Disappearing into the room of requirement, Sonia hoped that if she did have a son, she would live through the night to actually meet him.

            The tunnel was small, but Hazel ran, her mind set on one thing.


Her Severus, the man she loved more than anything. The father of her children, her best friend. How had she ever let him get away?

Scrambling up the steps, hazel found herself on the ground floor. “Severus?”

‘Hazel.’ His voice was in her mind again, faint – she rushed up the stairs, suddenly knowing where he was.

“Severus!” she saw him, lying on the dirty ground, barely propped up against the wall. Falling to her knees, Hazel’s hands fluttered over his face, down his neck to the bites on his face. “Oh Sev…”

“Ms. Bowen?” turning, Hazel saw Harry standing in the shadows.

“Hello Harry,” she said, wiping her eyes “Are you okay?”

“You loved him.” He said “How did I never see –”

“No one did, Harry.” Stroking Severus’ face, Hazel’s tears dropped onto his chest. “Your mother though…she saw. She always saw.”

“Did he love you?” he asked.

Tracing Severus’ jaw, she gently closed his eyes. Standing, Hazel stood in front of Lily’s son, tears streaming down her face. “Oh he loved me,” she said, casting a backwards glance at Severus “But not the way I wanted him to.”

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