Just a little game of truth or dare

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An Austin Mahone imagine for Adrian 

"Okay Austin truth or dare." Your friend Alex barks from across the beaches camp fire that you and your friends have set up.

"Um dare." Austin replies with a smirk on his face. You watch Austin as he awaits for Alex's dare. Your stomach starts to flip as he licks his pink but soft lips. 

"I dare you to kiss Adrian." Alex orders with a smirk on his face. You give your best friend Alex a death glare. He's the only one that know's about your secret crush towards Austin. Your face starts to heat as you start to hear chants from your other friends that are eager to see you two kiss. 

"You look over towards Austin who wears an embarrassed smile. Austin moves a little closer to you. It's at this point where you swear you were gonna lose it as his hazel green eyes stuides yours as he awaits for an approval. Austin's a gentlemen like that. Then in the heat of the moment he moves his face towards yours. 

Your foreheads touch which causes your whole body to tingle and heat. This is the moment you have been waiting for , for almost a year now. Suddenly his lips crash against yours and in that moent it felt as if it was just only you and Austin. You could hear your friends cheering just for the heck of it. Then just like that it was over leaving your heart pounding longing for more. You look into Austin's eyes one last time as they appear to be full of lust and passion. 

"Okay Sarah truth or dare." You ask your friend as she of course replies with the simple truth. 

That night as your trying to fall asleep all you could think about is that kiss. It hasn't left your mind since it happened. It felt magical and perfect. Nothing could have been better than that. As your mind starts to finally drift off you hear a nock at your window. You quickly stumble to the window only to find Austin sitting on a tree branch that just about reaches to your window. 

"Austin what the hell. It's two in the morning!" You yell quietly as not to wake your mom. 

"I know but I just can't help but think about that kiss." Austin admits. 

"Me too. Here come in." You open the window to let him in then you go to lock your bedroom door as so Austin doesn't get caught. Your dad would flip if he knew Austin was in here with you at this time of the night. 

"Can I try something?" Austin asks as he studies you up and down with the same lust in his eyes that you saw from earlier. As the lust escapes his eyes and hits your lips you realize what he wants. 

"You could try anything you would like." You tell him as you pull away from his pink soft lips. 

"Are you sure?" He questions. 

" I am more than sure that this is what I want." You reply as you start to run your hands down his chest. You slowly start to pull at his shirt. With Austin knowing what you want he pulls it off leaving you to stare at his build chest. 

As things start to heat he gently pushes you onto your bed as he pulls your top off and tosses it to the floor. 

Nothing ever felt so right as it does right now. The warmnth and the pleasure that Austin gives you makes you realize just how much you really love him and how much he really loves you.  As he lets out his last bit of pleasure he moves off of you and lays down next to you. 

"I love you." He whispers into your ear leaving gospbumps to travel down your whole body. 

"I love you too." You reply as you give him one last kiss before the two of you fall asleep into eachother's arms. 


Okay so this is somewhat of my first dirty imagine so don't judge me if its bad okay ? lol i tried my best. I was going to keep this book clean but since a few of you on ig have asked for a dirty one i figured to try my best to write them for you. Okay yeah so I hope you liked your imagine Adrian :) 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2014 ⏰

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