I am in love with my best friend

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An Austin Mahone imagine for Lexi: 

A little information : You and Austin have been best friends since the age of five. You have had a secret crush on him for as long as you can remeber. As you just finished your first year of high school you start to feel depressed since Austin introduced you to his first grilfriend. Oh did I metion that you and Austin had a huge fight when you found out about so so called girlfriend? Yeah lets just say it wasn't pretty.

"Come on I know something that could cheer you up." Your best friend Nichole says as she drags you out of your room. 

"But I told you I don't want to go anywhere!." You complain as you struggle to break free from your best friends tight grip around your wrist. 

"It's not about what you want. It's about what I want." Nichole says. 

"Then why do you need me?" You ask soudning confused by Nichole's statment. 

"I need you because well you will see when we get there." Nichole says. 

You two remain quiet as you head to Nichole'es car. The remainder of the ride reamins quiet until you reach this carnival. 

"Really a carnival?" You ask confused. 

"Yeah really a carnival." Nichole smiles. 

"I hate this." You mumble to yourself as you let yourself out of her car. Then you notice this concert type setting. A boy remians standing o the stage with a red guitar and you know way to well who this boy is. 

"I want to go home. Now." You order. 

"Nope no can do." Nichole says as she forces you to move closer to the stage. 

"So you guys I am gonna be doing something a little different. I have a confession to make. There's this girl that I really like. I didn't realize how much I liked her up until we stopped being friends. We have known each other since we were five years old and I messed everything up. So I wrote this new song called Shadow. Hope you guys like it." 

Then out of know where you here girls saying aw. Then Austin scans the concert floor as he slowly starts to strum the cords of his red guitar. You can't help but smile a little as his hazel eyes filled with sorrow find yours. A small smile sets upon his face as he starts to sing the most beauitufl lyrics you have ever heard him sing. You have heard him sing before but nothing like this. Tears start to fill your eyes as you realize just how much you really love this boy. 

Then as Austin lets out the last note everyone screams and cheers. 

"Lexi I know your here. I know I broke your heart but I am here to tell you that I love you." Austin finishes as he puts his guitar away. The whole crowd aw's once again. Austin scans the concert floor one last time. A huge smile crosses his face when his eyes find yours once again. An even bigger smile erputs as he see's you mouth the words I love you too. 


This imagine is dedicated to Lexi. I hope you like it. Sorry its a little long I kinda got carried away :) 

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