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"Neil! Todd is video calling!" Sadie, my best friend and unrequited crush shouts. You see, Todd is her boyfriend and they are so happy. I guess that's enough to make me happy – knowing that she is – but I wouldn't be honest if I said I was completely fine with her not liking me the way she likes Todd.

Because it completely isn't. I've been friends with her since middle school and during high school, everyone thought we'd look adorable as a couple. I couldn't agree more, but she jsut dismissed the thought with a, "We're just friends!"

Now, it's our sophomore year of college, (Sadie and I go to the same one, by the way) and she's been dating Todd for two months.

"This is the first time my best friend and boyfriend will – kind of – meet!" She says excitedly.

"Yes, the amazing Todd who stole my Dee's heart, and I, her saviour and shoulder to cry on, will meet, kind of, finally!" I say, over-dramatically.

Sadie simply smiles and rolls her eyes. "So dramatic. I have Sunny's shoulder to cry on, man. Now come here." She calls me over and pats the spot next to her on her dorm couch, inviting me to sit.

I do so, and just as I sit down, a man whom I assume is Todd appears on the screen. Bright blue eyes, sharp jawline, lean. Hm.

"Sadie, how are you, babe?" Todd greets.

I think I need to puke.

"Hey! I'm great. I miss you loads. How are you?" She asks.

"I'm great, miss you too." he replies, smug smile on his face. He then turns to me.

"Oh yeah, this is Neil, my best friend. Neil, Todd. Todd, Neil." Sadie introduces.

"Ah, this is the Neil." His eyes seem to be judging me through the screen.

"Hey, Todd." I shyly smile.

"Okay, I need the toilet. You guys talk, bond, or whatever." With that, Sadie leaves.

"So, Neil." I swallow the lump in my throat.


"Are you into her or something?" He immediately asks.

I try to laugh the most convincing laugh I could. "Oh my! No! We're just friends."

You don't want to be.

"Yeah, you're just friends. But do you want to be more than that?" He questions.

Oh goodness.

"No, no. Really. Honestly."

You're lying, Neil. But you're doing so for her sake at least.

"Sure?" Todd's eyes try to see through me.

"Yeah, totally." I casually reply.



The call finally ends.

"You know," I start. "Todd can sound like Tood which sounds like Turd."

She laughs. And that laugh makes me happy.

As long as she's in my life, I suppose I can survive without her being romantically interested in me.

a/n: to those who feel this way good luck, hopefully he/she will see how great you are and love you the way you love them.

please vote and comment, i need validation. thanks <3<3

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