Ch8. Dark Side of the Sun

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"How dare you insult the Sun," Zac said coldly as he twirled the glistening daggers in his hands. The daggers seemed to be glowing golden along with his body. "You have just insulted a God, you lowly demon."

Zac began to slowly walk towards a terrified Violet. The other three were also shocked. Zac had never been like this. Sure, he had called himself the 'Sunshine', the Sun, but never a God. They had known him for quite a while now, and his usual voice was bright and cheery; they had never seen him so cold and dangerous. Zac was so different, that's if, if that was even Zac at all.

As Zac moved, the little black and white dots that surrounded his being moved along as well, rotating. Slowly, the other Spin Emperors could make out the patterns made by them. Pisces, Virgo, Aquarius, Taurus, Cancer, Sagittarius... The patterns were surrounding Zac's body, surrounding their king.

"Answer me, demon!" He shouted as his green eyes flashed. Sparks of green, blue and yellow were shimmering at the corner of his eyes like lightning. As he threw one of his daggers at Violet again, his fingers lighted up in a golden glow, matching the sparks at his eyes. But this time, the dagger was glowing with lightning. But no, it shouldn't the dagger itself. The last time Lui checked the weapons, all of them, including the dagger, were just ordinary metal weapons made of copper, iron and aluminium...

Keyword: metal.

Realisation hit Shu, Xhaka and Lui. It wasn't the dagger. It was Zac who had passed the electricity to the metal blade. The glow that had been on Zac's fingertips when he threw the dagger wasn't actually a glow; it was lightning. Pure electricity. And the dagger was made of conductive metal. The power came from Zac the Sunshine himself.


The shimmering metal hit the floor in front of Violet. After the now-short blonde haired woman recovered from her shock, she smirked slightly. "My prince, you have awakened! Finally! Too bad your aim is still as bad as your last one," she paused, her smirk wavering a little as she remembered her chopped-off hair. "But I was impressed! Even though your dagger missed me, at least you finally have the power to control lightning back!" She met Zac's glare. His eyes were angry yet... confident?

"What's wrong, sweetie?" She crackled as she batted her eyelashes. "You gonna throw the other dagger? Careful, sweetheart, 'cause your dagger is going to miss me like the last one did-"

"Look down," Zac said emotionlessly. He pointed to where his dagger were. "Look down before you say anything. You're noisy."

Violet looked at him with confusion and looked down. "What? Look down? What's so great about your dagger- AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!"

Everyone was frozen at Violet's blood curdling scream. Before the demon knew it, the electricity on the dagger grew bigger and bigger, and the electricity had passed to Violet. She screamed even louder as the lightning covered her bare arms, legs and even her face, shocking her whole body. The lightning kept on zapping the woman's body, hitting her entire being.

Shu winced as he watched the terrifying scene unfold before him. As much as he despised Violet, he knew it was painful. He couldn't bare to watch such brutal and violet acts.

"Stop!" Lui yelled. "Zac! That's too much! Let go of her and just ask her to... undo her curse!" Zac's eyes flashed again upon hearing the other's voice, but gradually stopped torturing the purple-eyed woman before him.

Violet spat out some blood, bruises and burnt marks still on her body. "Prince Zen... Or should I call you Zeus? God of lightning, air and sky?" She smirked weakly while clutching her pained stomach. "Do you honestly think that I will be scared by some mere lightning attacks?" She asked arrogantly. "Actually, Zeus, I'm disappointed. One thousand years ago, when you banished me to Tatarus," she narrowed his eyes at the memory. "You were much stronger than this. You, and the filthy Sun, banished my soul to the Underworld. Now, I will have revenge! At least, it's much easier."

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