Ch7. Countdown to the Awakening

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It was forever night time long, long ago, before the Sun was even born. The Earth was created as a battlefield for Gods and heroes, and for the continuously raging war between Heaven and Hell. Earth was dead and dry at that time, and it was filled and burnt with fire everywhere. Earth was described as the 'Desert of Chaos'. Humans had not been created at that time, and the only living creatures were Gods, Demons and thousands and thousands of monsters.

The battle was terrifying. Hell was trying to overthrow Heaven, and Heaven of course fought back. Dragons were flying everywhere, breathing fire at everything in their path, and the seas were black with poison. The only colours on the dry land were red from the blood and fire, and black, from the darkened and stormy skies. And Demeter was one of the fighting Gods.

Demeter was the Goddess of Harvest, who also had great control over nature. When she was pleased, nature itself would grow and bloom. But Demeter was far from pleased during the war. When Demeter was fighting a demon with her green powers, she accidentally stuck the soil instead of the demon, missing him. And after a while, Demeter won against the little demon of course, as the demon was merely a weak slave of Hell, not that he mattered too much in Demeter's eyes anyway. Demeter quickly left her past opponent's body to burn into ashes and quickly ran back to the other side of the war, not giving the piece of land she accidentally struck a single look.

Night by night, years after years, the spot Demeter's green magic hit began to grow. It soon covered the dry, burning ground, and green, fresh grass began to grow. The gods, heroes and everyone who had seen the little spot of magical green grass had called it the 'Life of Miracle'. The name was very fitting, as life that green and fresh was an incredibly miraculous sight during a dark and angry war.

And the Life of Miracle had became even more miraculous when a beautiful violet flower blossomed in the middle of it. The flower reminded people of a rose, in purple colour. The flower was alluringly beautiful, yet so very fragile. One blow of wind, one drop of rain, one tiny snowflake, could make the violet flower wither without warning. The flower was so beautiful, but so fragile and weak, that even the lord of the skies, Zeus, didn't want it to die. So he thought of a solution.

At that time, only the moon hung in the sky. The sun was never heard of, as it was still not yet born. Zeus asked his beautiful daughter Artemis, the goddess of the moon, to watch and guard over the flower. Every night, silver moonlight shone on the violet rose, granting it spiritual magic of the moon. Every night, even when the greatest rainstorm was attacking Earth, even when the coldest blizzard hailed, the flower was protected. And one night, another miracle happened.

It was said that the moonlight had granted the violet plant the power to have the form of a human. The purple rose had turned into woman with goddess-like beauty and grace, and a singing voice which reminded the other gods of crystal bells. Zeus named her Violet, after the purple coloured flower she had once been, and the deep violet hues of her eyes. And just a year after her birth, mankind and mortals were born. Her beauty and her voice had made hundreds and hundreds of men fall in love, but that didn't make her less cruel. She was beautiful, yes, but her true nature was of a cruel and wicked witch. Her cruelty was accentuated by her beauty, intelligence, selfishness, unrivalled vanity and just a touch of madness. She was pretty and fragile, but that didn't mean she don't have thorns. Violet was soon named the goddess of betrayal and treachery. She was happy as most men were at her feet, but her happiness didn't last long.

She had created a sister, Scarlet, with stunning pink eyes and silk-like red hair. Scarlet was born the same way as her, from a flower, but a red one. And after her 'sister' was born, Violet realised her sister looked more beautiful than her, and much, much younger. She feared that she was losing to Scarlet. 'Her life, that pathetic Scarlet's life is all just a lie,' she always told herself. 'I made my so-called sister as a cover for my evil deeds, and I can always blame everything I did on her. I can also kill her if I wanted to.' She fakely treated her sister dearingly with care, and Scarlet was also affected by the evilness radiating off Violet. And soon, Scarlet was named the goddess of sexual desires and jealousy. She would never be as cruel as her sister, no, but she was as selfish and cruel.

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